Ï Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition

Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition

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Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Success of national economy is reflected in multifunctional exposition
Exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan was opened in Ashgabat. Regular economic review, which is traditionally held by the Trade and Industrial Chamber prior the Independence Day, is to demonstrate impressive success of national economy.

Orientation to innovative development by study of advanced international and national practices and implementation of progressive technologies are the main components of rapid growth of national economy of Turkmenistan. It is this general line, which defined the character of current exhibition, in which work the representatives of structural divisions of the government sector of the economy, local entrepreneurship, educational, cultural, sport and tourism sphere took part.

The members of the Government, leaders of National parliament, profile ministries and departments, business circles of the country, heads of diplomatic missions and representative offices accredited in Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan ambassadors to foreign countries, students and mass media took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

Multidimensional exposition occupied spacious demonstration halls provided with modern video equipment. Art bands have greeted the participants and the guests of the forum.

Energy and industry, oil and gas, petrochemical sphere, construction and building materials, transport and communication, textile production and carpet making, chemical industry, agriculture and water management, medical industry, education, culture, sport and tourism, publishing, natural protection results of ‘green’ policy, the dynamics of all these spheres was reflected in video presentations, models and printing media like brochure, booklets and magazines.

Innovative development and strengthening of national economy, diversification of industry, import substitution and export orientation of production are the main leitmotifs of current exhibition. All of these is brightly demonstrated by hundreds of exhibition displays.

Expositional panorama illustrates the capabilities and contribution of various segments of the economy to realization of the government programmes. The exhibition presents high technology equipment, modern construction and decorative materials, computer and communication hardware, achievements in food industry, success in solution of environmental issues, development of sports and tourism, scientific, personnel and cultural potential.

Exhibition pavilions of the Ministry of Finances and Economy, Central and commercial banks, State Insurance Organization, which reflect positive influence of economic reforms in organization of the activity of trade sphere, expresses keen interest of the visitors.

The main sector of economic block of the country – fuel and energy complex, is represented the products of export and import substitutive direction produced by industrial giants of the country Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and ‘Garabogazcarbamid’ plant producing carbamide from natural gas, which was opened few days ago.

Exhibition stand of ‘Mahabat’ Department of the State Committee for Television, Radio and Cinematography presenting interactive media project of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 raised great interest. With the smartphones and virtual reality glasses, the users of the application are able to immerse into atmosphere of rally raid across Karakum Desert and to find themselves in the place of famous pilots.

Special attention of the participants and guests of the forum was raised by sport gear of Turkmen leader, which he used on initial stage of international rally, and special award of Africa Eco Race presented to the Head of the State by Jean Louis Schlesser for successful organization and high-level provision of rally raid.

Local entrepreneurs and manufacturers specialized in various spheres from agriculture and food industry to construction of living houses, modern industrial facilities and production of building materials have also demonstrated their capabilities.

Today, Turkmen companies compete with foreign firms. Construction companies widely introduce modern social and living standards, all facilities are equipped with necessary utilities and relative infrastructure is developed. The appearance of the velayats and etraps as well as white-marble capital, where excellent buildings – social facilities, office buildings, comfortable living houses, production facilities, are put into operation systematically, is changed.

Dynamics of growth of national construction industry and its achievements are illustrated by the stands of profile departments as well as of largest facilities of the industry producing decorative stone, cement, bricks, panel blocks, non-ore building materials and pipes, which are necessary for new constructions, iron bars, paints and varnish, tiling and isolation materials, plumbing and electrical items and other.

Visitors of the exhibition expressed the interest to qualitative lather footwear from «KWK», drinks from «Akdaş miwe içgileri», fish products from «Наzar balyk», bakery, meat and diary products.

Transport and communication enterprises have also demonstrated their stands. Provision of quality and accessible transport services for the population is important component of successful development of the economy of the country. The stand of the ministries of motor and railway transport introduced innovative solutions in electronic booking and purchasing of tickets. The stands of sport and tourism spheres were also popular among the visitors.

Organizers of the exhibition used creative approach to the decoration of the hall of the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources, which beside brightly decorated stands, demonstrated the alabays and ‘tazy’ hounds as well as hunting falcons.

The exposition is bright efficient platform for promotion of the production of national manufacturers. Therefore, large-scale review attracted the attention of specialists, experts and marketers. The exhibition will continue working through September 20.

On the same day, Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management hosted scientific and practical conference “Fundamentals of Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan” where leading specialists of different branches of the economy, scientists, professors and lecturers of the universities and students took part.

The spokespersons noted high efficiency of the reforms implemented by the President of Turkmenistan as well as the scale of the objectives of the personnel of all branches of national economy.

Reports reflecting important aspects of international and market relations, development of banking system, introduction of innovative technologies to production, social policy and many other have been listened to and discussed during the conference.