Ï Turkmen leader congratulates Shinzo Abe on his re-election to the post of the Head of ruling party of Japan

Turkmen leader congratulates Shinzo Abe on his re-election to the post of the Head of ruling party of Japan

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent congratulation cable to Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe in regards to his re-election to the post of the Chairman of Liberal and Democratic Party of Japan.

In his message, the Head of the State noted that the results of the elections have demonstrated the support of big personal merits of Shinzo Abe in further progress, improvement of international authority of the country as well as in the wealth of Japanese nation.

Taking the opportunity, the Head of the State wished strong health, happiness and success on high government post for further progress and development of the country to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.