Ï History of Turkmens Indissociable from Ahalteke Race Horses

History of Turkmens Indissociable from Ahalteke Race Horses

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Every period in history has a symbol that most clearly reflects the spirit of the people and the time, achievements and accomplishments of the society. Horses have long been the image that embodies the finest aspirations and high ideals of the Turkmen people. Ancient chronicles and numerous doctrinal sources testify to the fact that the ancient and world famous horse breeding center was located on the territory of present Turkmenistan.

Currently, under the patronage of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, major works are being carried out to develop horse breeding and equestrian sports in the historic motherland of the Ahalteke breed and to globally promote the national traditions related to the horses. Ahalteke racers brilliantly compete in various equestrian sports and festivals of circus art abroad, and this is the obvious result of the care and consideration for this sphere by the head of state.

As is known, a horse named Akhan, owned by the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, was listed in the Guinness World Records as the fastest on hind legs, covering the distance of 10 m in 4.19 seconds and beating the previous record having improved it twice.

It proved once again that not only do Turkmen horses have the exceptional abilities, striking and immaculate beauty, agility and endurance, but are also able to achieve full understanding with the rider. This is mainly because our horses are not tamed; first, they are educated and then trained. And this is the primary tradition of the Turkmen horse breeders.

Another unique characteristic of Ahalteke horse breeding is meticulous protection of purity of the elite of the breed that has been perfected for five thousand years.

Akhan, a horse of silver coat color, was born in 2006 to Gurply and Ruhubelent. His ancestry goes back to legendary Gyrsakar who, in turn, was a descendant of famous Boynawy. Other representatives of this pedigree also deserve special mention: Kerwen, Garader, Derby-2, Gulsary and Goklen left the public astonished at the races.

Handing by the official representative of Guinness World Records, Seyda Subasi Gemici, of the certificate of official recognition of the amazing record set by Akhan became another source of pride that the Turkmen people take in Ahalteke race horses.

The event took place on the Caspian coast as part of festivities dedicated to the finish of the Amul–Hazar 2018 International Rally Raid. Besides international judges, all renowned horse-breeders could witness the fact that it was obvious that Akhan deserved to set the record. This exceptional news was reflected in all respective foreign publications. Many of them noted that Akhan was trained by the President of Turkmenistan himself, who is a skilled and experienced rider and also a recognized mentor in horse breeding.

The head of state plays an invaluable role in preserving and promoting the glory of the Ahalteke breed. Akhan’s success became yet another confirmation of the effectiveness of the head of state’s enormous dedicated efforts towards reviving and continuing the fine traditions of national horse breeding.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov donated Akhan to the Galkynysh national equestrian group in 2009 thus giving way to the horse’s new achievements. Akhan visited many countries as part of this group that has gained tremendous recognition abroad, and he largely contributed to victories at international festivals.

It is worth mentioning that, for many years, this group has been representing independent neutral Turkmenistan on famous international arenas and won several major international circus contests and received prestigious awards.

Legendary celestial horses are the constant jewel of festive events in our country. Beauty and grace of swift horses, stunts performed by jigits at horses’ full speed always amaze spectators and win the public’s admiration, leaving unforgettable impressions on them. Turkmen riders demonstrate not only fine skills of equestrian stunting, but also a perfect harmony of the “man - horse” tandem which is only built upon full confidence towards each other.

Thousand years long history of the Turkmen people is indissociable from the swift Ahalteke horses. The art of raising the horses of this breed testifies to the excellent skills of our people, because it is only possible to create a true masterpiece in harmony with nature, which an Ahalteke certainly is, only through absolute commitment and dedication of efforts, talent and soul.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is well known for his love and concern for the celestial horses. The head of state always tries to find time in his busy schedule to see them. The President also dedicates his works to the horses. The book by the head of state titled Ahalteke, Our Pride and Glory, provides an opportunity to understand the role that horses play in the life of the Turkmens. It was translated to many languages of the world, and now readers form different countries can get to know more about the invaluable heritage gifted to the humanity by the Turkmen people. Integrated measures taken to develop the horse breeding in our country were reflected in such books as The Flight of Celestial Race Horses and Swift Step of Race Horse.

These days, railways and highways follow the route of the Great Silk Road, however the historical role of race horses is never forgotten, and new heights open up for perfecting this unique breed.