Ï New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap

New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap

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New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
New maternity clinic and Heath Centre in Kaahka Etrap
On occasion of the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, new medical facilities were put into operation in Kaahka Etrap.

Deputy of Turkmenistan Mejlis, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who represents the interests of the Ahal Velayat citizens in the National Parliament, the heads of the Velayat and Etrap Hyakimliks, the departamental structures of the health care system, public organizations and the elders attended the festivities.

Due to the fundamental changes and reforms, the health care system in Turkmenistan has confidently reached the level of the international standards. According to the President of Turkmenistan, the active introduction of modern technologies, full computerization of all healthcare facilities, new developments of scientists in this field, improvement of the quality of medical services, training of highly qualified personnel create the most favorable conditions for strengthening and protecting people's health.

The President of Turkmenistan pays significant attention to the development of health care in the regions - villages, cities and etraps, where hospitals and health centres are built, the existing medical facilities are completely reconstructed and supplied with the state of the art equipment.

In this regard, speaking during the opening ceremonies, Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined the importance of the National Programme on the improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, settlements, etrap cities and centres till 2020, on the implementation of which significant funds are invested.

It was noted that the key areas of this complex Programme, developed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, were reflected in the development of modern villages and the implementation of pivotal reforms in the health care system in rural areas.

That is vividly proved by the commissioning of a specialized preventive treatment medical complex in the village of Dushak in December 2017- a socially significant event, since earlier rural people had to go to the capital to get the medical examination.

Moreover, the Health Centre and the perinatal centre were opened in this region in the framework of the programme changes initiated by the chosen representative of the people. Thus, with the expansion and modernization of the material and technical base of this system, the preventive work with the population improves and the people get the opportunity to receive the qualified medical examination and treatment without hospitalization.

Due to the Turkmen leader’s concern, a new two-storeyed hospital, erected by the individual enterprise "Yrsgally zähmet", was opened in the Dushak village, Kaahka Etrap.

In our country, the significant attention is paid to the maternal and children's health. The government provides the medical care for children and pregnant women for free. The comprehensive introduction of the principle of family medicine, seasonal preventive examinations in kindergartens, schools, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, enterprises and institutions of various profiles, free vaccination contributed to the complete eradication of a number of diseases.

The structure of the new maternity hospital includes such departments as the reception, obstetric department, maternal child unit, pregnant women pathology unit, department of surgery, medical intensive care unit, diagnostics and consultation department, as well as a laboratory, etc. There is a separate ward used to isolate patients suffering from infectious diseases. All conditions for the emergency first aid to children are created in the new centre.

This rural hospital is supplied with the most advanced equipment produced by Japanese and European companies "Medical systems", "Cypers diagnostikos", "Hayer medical", "Medical econet", "Cobams", "Medical elektronika" that meets the most strict requirements of the international standards. With the help of monitors it is possible to precisely control the heartbeat, the level of oxygen, the body temperature of a puerperant and a child.

There is a unique equipment for nursing preterm infants with a critical body weight in the maternity hospital. Such a cuvette allows maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity for a baby that newborns are very sensitive to, which makes it possible to take care of them without serious complications for health.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the protection of motherhood and childhood, the upbringing of a harmoniously developed younger generation were one of the priority areas of the social policy of our state. The main principle is the healthy mothers are the healthy generation and the happy future of the country.

Among the new buildings in the Garahan village, Kaakha Etrap is also the Health Centre. All conditions are created there to provide patients with qualified medical and diagnostic assistance, rehabilitation after a previous illness. The rooms of family doctors, therapeutic, surgical, dental, immunology, obstetrics and gynecology, ultrasound, ECG, therapeutic and regenerative physical culture rooms, laboratory, etc. are equipped with the latest technology of medicine.

There are various diagnostic devices, including embryonic Doppler, diagnostic ultrasound machine, electrocardiograph, glucometer that will help family doctors to diagnose various diseases.

In addition, a new rural medical facility is equipped with a laboratory, physiotherapy department, day patient department. Medical equipment are purchased from the world's leading manufacturers from Belgium, Italy, the Republic of Korea, Poland and Slovakia.

The rural Health Centres that have been put into operation in recent years serve vividly testify to bringing the medical institutions in the country up to the new level of family medicine.

The opening ceremonies of modern medical facilities turn into a bright, memorable holiday. The participants of the celebrations in Kaahka Etrap were pleased with the performances presented by the artistic groups. Valuable gifts were awarded to the best builders during the events.

An ambulance car - UAZ 39629-016 was handed over to the new hospital on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.