Ï Perspectives of partnership in the sphere of oversized cargo transportation to be discussed at the forum Heavy Caspian: Turkmenistan

Perspectives of partnership in the sphere of oversized cargo transportation to be discussed at the forum Heavy Caspian: Turkmenistan

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Congress centre of Avaza National tourist centre will host I International Conference Heavy Caspian: Turkmenistan on October 1 – 3, 2018. Shipment and assembly of heavy cargos for specific projects in Turkmenistan including the capability of Turkmenbashy port, condition of road and railway infrastructures are to be discussed at the forum.

Stable growth of macroeconomic indicators, dynamic development of fuel and energy sector, stability of financial market, flexible response to the changes of economic environment, high investment activity, rapid development of construction industry and transport and logistic infrastructure as well as favourable geographic location of Turkmenbashy International Seaport make Turkmenistan attractive for the world players in cargo transportation sphere.

It is planned that representatives of Turkmenistan Logistic Association, the Ministry of Railway Transport and number of other ministries and departments of the country will make reports at the forum.

International Heavy World Company, one of the leaders in the sphere of super heavy and oversized cargos, is the organizer of the forum. Promotion of international discussion platform for elaboration of efficient solutions in transport and logistic sphere with involvement of competent experts of the world cargo traffic is the main activity of the company.

Turkmenistan transport and logistic company Yuk Ulag Merkezi, which is specialized in oversized cargo transportation and has big experience in cooperation with profile companies from the CIS, Baltic countries and Persian Gulf, is the general sponsor of the conference.