Ï First People’s Council Meeting Begins in Ruhyyet Palace

First People’s Council Meeting Begins in Ruhyyet Palace

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The first People’s Council meeting, chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has opened in the capital’s Ruhyyet Palace. The national forum will focus on priority objectives of the all-round development of Turkmenistan and Turkmen society.

Among those attending the meeting are delegates from all regions of the country, heads of government authorities, political parties and public organizations, Mejlis deputies, khyakims of velayats, etraps and cities, our country’s ambassadors to foreign countries, honorable elders, representatives from all walks of life, and invited guests.

The head of state opened the meeting and centered on the issues to be discussed.

Then, the President of Turkmenistan delivered a keynote speech.