Ï President of Turkmenistan: Our Country’s Political and Legal Status - a Unique and Novel Phenomenon in the World

President of Turkmenistan: Our Country’s Political and Legal Status - a Unique and Novel Phenomenon in the World

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The proclamation of neutrality as Turkmenistan’s official legal status and the main line of foreign policy was a life-changing decision, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, speaking at the People’s Council meeting in Ashgabat.

In global practice, the Turkmen neutrality introduced a novel concept of establishing cooperation and promoting world peace, the head of state stressed.

The unanimously backed and adopted United Nations General Assembly’s Resolution of December 12, 1995 says that the global community “recognizes and supports Turkmenistan’s neutrality”.

The fact that the United Nations General Assembly declared December 12 as International Neutrality Day is seen as the global community’s positive recognition of our independent country’s policy of peace, the President of Turkmenistan stated.

Our country’s political and legal status was a unique and novel phenomenon in the world. The post-independence years have proved that Turkmenistan chose the right path in that difficult transition period, the head of state said.

Turkmenistan has become a coordinating center, guarantor of reliable and effective cooperation, openness and security in Central Asia, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated.

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The first People’s Council meeting is taking place in the capital’s Ruhyyet Palace and will focus on priority objectives of national development.