Ï Head of State Presents High-Ranking Officials with Commemorative Badges

Head of State Presents High-Ranking Officials with Commemorative Badges

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In the Shat Hall of the Ruhyyet Palace, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has presented the Mejlis Chairperson, vice-premiers, senior officials of military and law enforcement agencies, heads of regional and Ashgabat city authorities with commemorative badges to mark the 27th anniversary of the country’s independence and handed them as gifts his new books – a popular science book entitled “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Silk Road” (Volume 2) and the monograph entitled “Turkmenistan: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”.

The head of state heartily congratulated the event attendees on Independence Day and wished everyone good health and success in their important work.

On behalf of the entire nation, the ceremony participants congratulated the head of state on the forthcoming national holiday and thanked him for the explicit and consistent domestic and foreign policy, which is a guarantor of Turkmenistan’s successful efforts on the path to progress. The associates assured that they would dedicate themselves to the faithful service of the people and country and use their knowledge and experience to successfully accomplish all objectives.

Deeply grateful for the well-wishes, the head of state once again extended his congratulations to the high-ranking officials and the Turkmen nation on the holiday, wishing everyone happiness, well-being and success.