Ï President of Turkmenistan specifies the tasks on improving the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex

President of Turkmenistan specifies the tasks on improving the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex

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Speaking during a meeting of People’s Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put forward a number of proposals on the reorganization of work of the agro-industrial complex.

The head of state noted that the developed production infrastructure had been created, the comprehensive measures had been taken to improve lands, increase soil fertility, and introduce new irrigation technologies in the course of reforming the agricultural sector. The President of Turkmenistan expressed dissatisfaction with the results achieved in the agricultural sector.

The President underlined the importance to reorganize the work of the agro-industrial complex and use all opportunities to get high yields through cardinal changes and renewal of the agricultural management system. In this regard of the leader of the nation put forward a number of proposals for improving the work of the agro-industrial complex.

Thus, among them is the possibility to transfer agricultural lands from the financially unprofitable peasant associations that have extremely low production indices to other agricultural producers, who are able to work on the ground in the best way.

It was proposed to create a special land fund in compliance with the legislation and based on the decision taken by a working group to allocate lands to those wishing for a term of 99 years according to the Land Code of Turkmenistan.

It was also proposed to sow cotton and wheat on 70 percent of the sown lands, and cultivate other crops on the remaining 30 percent.

The next proposal was to draft the procedures so that the agricultural products manufactured by the peasant associations and agricultural joint-stock companies in excess to contractual obligations under the state order will remain at their disposal, at their request, with the right to sell these products at free prices.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that it is time to increase the government procurement prices for wheat and cotton as well as to establish incentive payments for the production of high quality seeds that will encourage rural workers to obtain rich harvests.

It is necessary to provide the legislative support to the wide involvement of private entrepreneurs in the production of agricultural products, the development of the processing industry and the production of high-quality food products for export.

In order to improve the provision of vegetables and fruits to the population and increase their supply to foreign markets, it is proposed to create a specialized peasant associations and other structures to process agricultural products near the velayat centers.

Another proposal refers to the provision of preferential bank loans for the purchase of earthmoving equipment and bulldozers for reclamation works - at 1 percent per annum for a period of up to 10 years to the peasant associations and farms, agricultural joint-stock companies and specialized research institutes.

With the aim to develop the livestock sector and attract private investment, it is necessary to legislatively work out the issues of creating private farms to breed cattle and small ruminants and provide them with land for forage production.

In addition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put forward a proposal to develop a new programme that defines specific areas for the efficient use of lands and water resources of the country.