Ï Education and Healthcare: Priority Spheres for Public Investment

Education and Healthcare: Priority Spheres for Public Investment

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke at the session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan to take stock of the country’s economic development during the years of independence and to evaluate the current state of social sectors and outline objectives for the near future.

Speaking of reforms in education, science and technology, the head of state noted that 509 modern educational institutions were functioning in the country at the moment, and universities were provided with the latest systems and multimedia equipment.

Development of industry and electronics, transition to a digital economy, forming of a stock market, improvement of the market environment, growth of entrepreneurship and strengthening of legislation in our country require that the qualified professionals are available today, said the Turkmen leader.

The head of state encouraged concentration of efforts on the preparation of educational programs and plans to train the personnel for financial institutions, digital economy, agriculture, industry and electronics, and stressed the importance of training lawyers.

The head of state also elaborated on healthcare development. Modern clinics and research and treatment centers were built in all regions of the country. Wellness and healthcare facilities were reconstructed.

Only in recent years the capital saw the commissioning of the Cardiology Center, the Clinical Center for Mother and Child Healthcare, the Neurology Center, the Morphology Center, the Center for Prevention of Extremely Dangerous Infections, the Center for Public Health and Nutrition, the International Training and Research Center and the International Surgery and Endocrinology Center. The children’s hospital in Mary, the Avaza health resort in Turkmenbashi and emergency centers in every province of the country were commissioned recently.

122 hospitals are currently functioning in the country. The majority were built in rural areas.

Pharmaceutical industry is being improved as well. High-quality medications and other healthcare products are manufactured from locally available materials.

Special attention is given to the investment in human capital, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and stressed that the investment in education and healthcare would remain among priority areas of the current state policy.

To create the environment for raising physically and spiritually healthy generations, major sporting and equestrian facilities, stadiums, sports schools, health centers and polyclinics were built in the country.

5th Asian Games held last year and the recent Amul– Hazar rally raid lauded Turkmenistan as the country capable of organizing major sporting events at the international level.

I firmly believe that with such outstanding sporting facilities and people’s support the Turkmenistan national team will successfully perform in the future at Asian Games and the summer Olympics, said the head of state.