Ï Marja Liivala is accredited as the Ambassador of Finland to Turkmenistan

Marja Liivala is accredited as the Ambassador of Finland to Turkmenistan

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On the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Chairperson of Mejlis of Turkmenistan Gulshat Mammedova accepted credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Finland Marja Liivala.

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the Chairperson of the national Parliament congratulated the guest on the beginning of the diplomatic mission in our country and wished her every success in strengthening the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two stares.

Thanking for the kind words, the Ambassador conveyed congratulations on the occasion of the forthcoming 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the wishes of prosperity to the people of Turkmenistan on behalf of the President of Finland

Assuring the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan that she will use the accumulated experience and knowledge to enhance the bilateral cooperation in the name of the two states and peoples, Marja Liivala underlined that the international political arena, including in Finland, significantly respected the peace-making initiatives put forward by the Turkmen leader with the aim to ensure the global security, stability and sustainable development.

During the meeting, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Finland to Turkmenistan was acquainted with the main aspects of the state policy of the Turkmen state that prioritizes the expansion of fruitful relations with all interested countries and major international organizations, primarily the United Nations and its structures. Particular attention was paid to the implementation of large-scale socio-economic programmes and investment projects.

An important topic of the conversation was the Mejlis work on the improvement of the national legislative base in the context of the democratic changes and legal reforms. In this regard, it was emphasized the importance of the national forum Halk Maslahaty held in the Turkmen capital.

Discussing the prospects for the further development of the partnership between Turkmenistan and Finland on the basis of mutual interests and long-term priorities, the trade, economic and humanitarian-cultural spheres were specified among the priority ones.

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The issues of expanding the bilateral cooperation were also considered during the meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.