Ï Ashgabat hosts first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan

Ashgabat hosts first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan

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Ashgabat hosts first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan
The first session of the People’s Council chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was held in the capital on the threshold of the 27th anniversary of independence. The agenda of National forum, which is remarkable event in life of the country, included the discussion of priority objectives of further development of Turkmen state and society.

Being the highest representative authority acting accordingly to the Constitution of Turkmenistan based on universal democratic principles and rich historical practice of the nation, in new epoch, the People’s Council embodies unbreakable tie of times and generations, commitment of our independent neutral state to primordial traditions of true people’s power, to the way of peace and creation.

In the morning, the President of Turkmenistan went to the Ruhiyet Palace from Oguzkhan Presidential Palace Complex.

The participants welcomed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on their feet with loud long-lasting applauses.

The head of the State went to the stage and warmly greeted numerous participants and guests of the forum, which is bright evidence of steadfast development of democratic processes in modern Turkmen society.

Addressing the participants, the Head of the State noted that as is known, the initiative about the establishment of representative people’ power authority – the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, has been proposed and unanimously approved at the session of the Council of elders held last year in Ahal velayat. Deputies of the Mejlis have discussed and adopted relative Constitutional Law.

Today, we have gathered for the first meeting of the People’s Council in order to discuss the most important subjects of the state and society life, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Elected members of the People’s Council, heads of the government authorities, political parties and public organizations, deputies of the Mejlis, hyakims of the velayats, etraps and cities, ambassadors of our country to foreign states, honoured elders, representatives of all layers of the population as well as invited guests take part in current session, the Head of the State continued.

The culmination came and President of Turkmenistan, chairman of the People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced the opening of the first session of the People’s Council. National anthem of Turkmenistan was played.

After the anthem song, having noted that the participants have already had an opportunity to study the agenda, the President expressed the interest if there are any proposals or remarks on the subjects and documents to be discussed. With unanimous support of the participants of the forum, the Head of the State announced about the adoption of the agenda of the session of the People’s Council.

After, the President of Turkmenistan made a big programme speech, which has been listened with great attention and met with long-lasting applauses.

After, the Head of the State suggested starting the discussion of the subjects of the agenda of national forum, having given the floor to the participants.

Tenant of Oraz Salyr Farming Association from Serkhas etrap of Ahal velayat Byashim Aydiyev, who was the first too speak, congratulated the President on coming 27th anniversary of the country.

It was highlighted that today, fundamental changes are taken in all branches of national economy including in agriculture, big progress is achieved in all directions. This session of the People’s Council will be written with golden letters to the chronicle of the country as it reviews the reforms in agricultural complex taking into account future perspective. In his speech, the President of Turkmenistan has also outlined coming objectives, made number of proposals aimed at the wealth of people together with summing up of the outcomes of completed work. We are confident that new success would be achieved after completion of these targets, the speaker said.

Turkmenistan has all opportunities for integrated development of agriculture, introduction of latest scientific developments, cultivation of various agricultural crops according to soil and climate conditions, use of land and water resources. It cause further improvement of social and living conditions of rural population.

Opening of the new farms, joint stock ventures and private companies gives wide opportunities for reformation of the agricultural production and producing good yields. In this context, B. Aydiyev on behalf of all farmers expressed the support of the proposal of the Head of the State on the foundation of special land agricultural fund for further improvement of efficiency of the industry with regards to transfer to market relations and on stimulation of agricultural producers as well as on leasing of the land plots from this fund for 99 years.

It was also highlighted that food abundance has been reached in the country and Turkmenistan has joined the number of grain exporting countries. Grain and cotton production is on high demand at foreign markets, which plays important role in development of national economy.

After, the floor was given to the Senior Specialist of the Institute of strategic and Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Finances and Economy Ayan Achylova. The spokesperson said that national economy has reached high levels. Our country keeps leading positions among the states of the world by the GDP growth rates.

Successful realization of social programmes, steadfast increment of the income of the population, salary wages, pensions, students scholarships, government allowances, creation of thousands new working places indicate significant improvement of social and living conditions of life of people and practical fulfilment of the SDGs. About 80 percent of the State budget is allocated for social sphere, which guarantees the provision of wealth of Turkmen citizens.

The Head of Turkmenistan carries out fundamental work for diversification of national economy, transfer to digital economy, reasonable use of natural resources of the country. Large facilities of regional and international significance are built and put into operation, which gives wide opportunities for improvement of work production and increment of export potential.

It was mentioned that from the first days of his elections as the Head of the State, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the formation of solid base in the country for socially oriented market economy. In the conditions when national economy is based on market relations, the necessity of their rational and efficient use appears. The growth of income and social and living conditions of the population give opportunity for introduction of payment for the services that our people use free.

A. Achylova said that Turkmen economists entirely support everything what was said at current session of the People’s Council about key directions of social and economic development of the country.

Policy for reformation of agricultural complex pursued by the Head of the State is aimed at fundamental improvement of food independence of the motherland on innovative base, growth of incomes, bringing of competitive national production to the world markets. Modern profile facilities are built, the activity of processing enterprises is arranged in this direction in all regions of the country.

Chairman of Sadulla Rozmetov Agricultural Joint Stock Venture Kamil Rozmetov from S. A. Niyazov, Dashoguz Velayat on behalf of agricultural personnel of the country cordially congratulated the Head of the State and all participants on the start of work of the People’s Council and coming 27th anniversary of independence.

It was highlighted that current national forum would enter the history as the event that predicted new beginnings for the sake of the future of the Motherland and our people.

Owing to the care of the Head of the State, all conditions are made in the country for fruitful work of people, generous yields received by the farmers, their wealthy life. Proposal on revision of the state purchase prices for wheat and cotton encouraged the farmers. Steadfast reformation of agricultural complex, deserving appreciation of work of the farmers would increase their enthusiasm and willing to work in the fields.

The farmers entirely support the proposal given by the Head of Turkmenistan that 70 percent of lands allocated by the state from new land fund would be used for the crops included into the state objective on contractual base while the excess of the yield and other agricultural crops cultivated on remaining land plots would be left for the farmers discretion.

After, the floor was given to tenant of Akgala Farmign Association from Halach etrap, Lebap Velayat Maral Gurbanova. Having cordially congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all participants on the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence and start of work of the People’s Council, the spokesperson noted that huge work has been done in the country for relatively short historical period. From the first days of his activity on the highest government post, the Head of Turkmenistan pays great attention to development of the capital and velayats where integrated reforms are carried out. Modern living is built together with other different facilities.

The tenant highlighted that development of agricultural industry is under permanent care of Turkmen leader. It is indicated by the construction of facilities for production of mineral fertilizers. “Garabogazcarbamid” plant with output capacity of 1,155,000 tons of production in Balkan Velayat is one of the examples. These facilities will completely provide national agriculture with high quality mineral fertilizers as well as will allow Turkmenistan to be the exporter of chemical production. At the same time, new working places will be created with the opening of the facilities.

On behalf of the farmers, M. Gurbanova expressed entire support to the proposal of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on openign of farms for growing and processing of fruits and vegetables, private livestock complexes, provision such facilties with land plots and granting of beneficial credits for procurement of modern machines and equipment.

The spokesperson said that it is great honour for her to speak from this high tribune not only on behalf of the farmers but also on behalf of all women of the country. This year, the Head of the State presented Turkmen people with excellent book “Worshiping of Mother – Worshiping of Saint”.

Resident of Serdar city, Balkan velayat retired Rejepmyrat Allanurov congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and people of the country on the first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan as well as on the 27th anniversary of independence on behalf of the representatives of elder generation participating in this forum.

R. Allanurov noted that convening of the People’s Council embodies unbreakable relation of times and generation, invariable commitment of our nations to advices of the ancestors and democratic fundamentals.

Continuing his speech, senior citizen noted that today, built and reconstructed medical centres and sanatoriums are at disposal of elder generation of Turkmenistan citizens. Health protection facilities, living and municipal, transport and communication spheres have various benefits for them. Pensions and state allowance are paid on time and there amounts are growing every year.

On behalf of elder generation, R. Allanuraov supported the proposals of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for rational use of natural reserves especially about the regulation of the payment for gas, electricity, water and salt.

R. Allanurov highlighted that informative speech of the President of Turkmenistan caused huge inspiration of all participants of current session and the elders of the country unanimously support and approve important decision taken at the forum and the beginnings initiated by the head of the State aimed at further prosperity of the Motherland.

Deputy Head of Rovshen Private Enterprise from Mary YAgmyr Khanov was the next to make speech at the session. On behalf of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the businessman warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all participants of the forum with coming Independence Day and the People’s Council.

Having highlighted the importance of large-scale activity of the Head of the State, the spokesman noted that owing to integrated changes, private sector is developing at high rates together with all spheres of national economy.

It was mentioned that local businessmen do great work for expansion of the variety of produced goods, reaching of their competiveness at the world markets, delivery of agricultural equipment, development of new lands, construction of hothouses, development of livestock and poultry farming. Activity of Turkmen businessmen in construction, textile industry, education and tourism spheres, advertisement and publishing is a matter of great pride. They build the facilities not only in our country but in fraternal foreign sates as well demonstrating excellent traditions of national architecture.

Private sector makes significant contribution to provision of food abundance. It is pleasant to realize that production of wide spectrum of import substitutive goods has been arranged in the country.

Expressing full support of the entrepreneurs to the proposals given in the speech of the Head of the State, Ya. Khanov also noted that transit of the economy of Turkmenistan to market relations requires careful, rational and efficient use of national natural reserves.

Continuing the discussion of the subejects of the agenda of national forum, the floor was given to master of Balkan Shipyard of Turkmenbashy International Seaport Berdimammet Ashyrov who highlighted that owing to the care of the President, social and living level of people is improved, wide-scale economic projects and beginnings of international significance, which attracts the attention of the world community, are realized.

Huge work is carried out for development of transport and communication sphere, system of international transport and transit corridors in West – East and North – South directions is established. Modern air routes, railway and motor roads, maritime and river lines became the symbols of friendship and solidarity between the nations.

Having completed big projects of regional and continental importance in transport sector, our country confirmed its commitment to the principles of wide international cooperation. It is indicated by the railways Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran, Serhetabat – Turgundy, opening of the first part of Asian International railway corridor Kerky – Imamnazar – Akina as well as automobile and railway bridges Kerky – Kerychy and Turkmenabat – Farab across Amudarya River.

Being the representatives of maritime transport of the country, B. Ashyrov made special mention of large-scale work carried out by Turkmen leader for development of national commercial fleet and turning of Turkmenbashy International Seaport into one of the modern and largest port complexes in the region.

After, Deputy Commander of Border Guard division of the State Border Guard Service Eziz Charieyv made a speech.

On behalf of the personnel of national Armed Forces, the delegate of th forum congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all participants on the 27th anniversary of independence and start of work of the People’s Council.

The speaker focused on book of the President “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” which gives valuable historical information including on such spiritual and moral merits primordially inherent to our nation as courage, patriotism, bravery and dedication. The officer highlighted that our defenders of the Motherland keep faith to wise advices of the ancestors and are proud that they are entrusted to fulfil this responsible objective to stay on guard of the Motherland.

On behalf of Turkmen military personnel, E. Chariyev assured President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that they would continue stay on guard protecting the peace and life of native land and put all efforts to represent National Army at the ceremonial parade on occasion of the Independence Day.

After, the floor was given to second grade student of Turkmen State Institute of Finances Durdymuhammet Orazgulieyv and third grade student of Turkemn Agricultural University Doydul Gujiyeva, which on behalf of young generation congratulated the Head of the State and participants of the session on the 27th anniversary of independence. The speakers highlighted that they are sincerely glad that they take part in the session of the People’s Council where important objectives of the state and society are discussed.

It was highlighted that formation of innovative system of national scientific and educational spheres, creation of the conditions for implementation of intellectual potential of youth are the most priority directions of the state policy of Turkmenistan. This the source of prosperity of Turkmen people, driving force of the state that defines the future of the generations.

The Concept of development of distant education, programme of teaching of foreign languages, introduction of advanced methods of teaching and computer technologies, international cooperation and close partnership relations with the leading foreign scientific and educational centres initiated by the President and successfully implemented outline new level in improvement of national education system. Significant success and acheivements in this field are recognized throughout the world.

Finishing the speech, the speakers assured that young generation would continue using the Head of the State and his grandfather Berdymuhamed Annayev as examples making deserving contribution to the prosperity of the country by excellent study, scientific achievements and hard work.

Summing up the discussion, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to all who spoke on the subjects of the agenda and took active part in the work of the session. Having stated that all speakers supported the initiatives proposed at current national forum, the Head of the State also highlighted that all proposals and remarks would be reviewed.

Turkmen leader noted that various proposals have been highlighted in the speeches of the participants of the People’s Council. Similar proposals was coming from the residents of all velayats for the year. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the documents that were drafted and adopted on their basis entirely meet the goals of development of the state and society for short and long-term perspective.

Conclusions of the head of the State on the necessity of comprehensive modernization of agriculture by the improvement of the management, rational use of land and water resources, introduction of scientifically based crops rotation, advanced technologies and innovations received support in the speeches of the participants of the forum.

In this regard, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that implementation of relevant document adopted in this direction would give good results. Having noted the importance of this document, the President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the People’s Council signed the Resolution on Further Improvement of Reforms in Agriculture.

Taking into account the approval of national forum, the President signed the Resolutions on Regulation of provision of the population of Turkmenistan with electricity, gas, drinking water and salt as well as on regulation of the utilities payment.

Addressing the participants of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that all organizational issues of the activity of the People’s Council are regulated in full compliance with Constitutional Law on the People’s Council of Turkmenistan. The Head of the State highlighted that work of national forum is based on the principles of democracy, transparency, justice, supremacy of law, priority of universal standards of international law, equal rights of individual and citizens under the law, respect of rights and freedoms of people, free discussion and taking of decisions and taking into account public opinion.

The President also informed that he signed relative documents on award of the citizens who distinguished in their work with the State awards and conferring of honoured titles. The award ceremony will take place on September 26. The awards will be presented by the Chairperson of the Mejlis and Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers based on the branches they supervise.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that next session of the People’s Council, which also would review priority issues of state and social life, would be held next year. Having suggested to hold it on September 25, 2019 in Ashgabat, the Head of the State signed relevant Resolution.

We would discuss number of important subjects related to the provision of conditions for further development of the country and prosperous life of people as well as would define the ways of successful fulfilment of adopted programmes, the President said.

After, the Head of the State spoke with the final speech to the participants of the forum, having highlighted that creative spirit of the nation aimed at the development of the country, confident move forward along the way of economic and social achievements is revealed clearly in modern historical age. It was comprehensively demonstrated at the first session of the People’s Council where the success of the country has been discussed.

We outlined the directions of Turkmenistan development for short and long-term perspective, which was reflected in programme documents adopted at current session. We ensured in the main thing during current representative forum that the nation intends to put all efforts, knowledge, work and abilities for successful realization of scientifically based programmes of social and economic development of country, Turkmen leader noted.

Realization of the plans would take Turkmenistan to the rank of developed states of the world with efficient economy based on innovative standards and with high level of life. Current session proved that we would be able to manage with honour these objectives and would gain success on the way to achievement of noble goals, the Head of the State emphasized.

Summing up the outcomes of national forum and stated that subjects of the agenda were highlighted, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed sincere gratitude to the delegates of the People’s Council for active participation in their discussion.

Having addressed sincere congratulations on Turkmenistan Independence Day to all participants, the Head of the State wished everybody strong health and further success in their creative activity.

At this moment, the President of Turkmenistan announced the session of the People’s Council closed.