Ï People’s Council adopts the resolution on the improvement of reforms in the agricultural industry

People’s Council adopts the resolution on the improvement of reforms in the agricultural industry

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President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution “On the further improvement of reforms in the agricultural industry”.

In order to further improve the reforms taken place in the agricultural sector, to organize the ongoing work in this direction at the modern level, to attract private manufacturers into the agricultural sphere, and to rationally use land and water resources, People’s Council of Turkmenistan decrees:

1. To approve the following proposals on the further improvement of the reforms taken place in the agricultural industry:

1) оn the establishment of a special agricultural land fund for the cultivation of wheat, cotton and other crops to be delivered to the state from the crop lands at the peasant associations subject;

2) оn granting land plots from the special agricultural land fund to joint-stock companies, peasant associations, other legal entities and citizens of Turkmenistan (hereinafter - manufacturers) for the use for a period of up to 99 years;

3) land plots allocated to manufacturers from the special agricultural land fund on the terms of the complete performance of the plan for a common land plot on contractual terms should be at least 70 percent sown with wheat, cotton and other crops for delivery to the state. The remaining land can be sown with other crops to conduct scientifically based crop rotation;

4) the manufacturers can either keep the surplus products grown in accordance with the government order in excess of the contractual obligations on land plots allocated to manufacturers from the special agricultural land fund in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, or deliver them to the state at the procurement price approved by the government;

5) with the aim to increase the yield of cultivated crops in the country and encourage the manufacturers, starting from the harvest gathered in 2019, to increase procurement price for wheat and cotton and the services on the cultivation of these crops approved by the government;

6) on the creation of the necessary conditions for the manufacturers to build processing enterprises and place the goods produced there at the domestic and foreign markets;

7) on the establishment of a special agricultural land fund from the lands of the peasant associations located in the neighborhood of the velayat centers and the allocation of land plots to the manufacturers for growing melons and watermelons, potatoes, grapes, fruits and processing the cultivated products in the established order;

8) on account of the preferential public loans granted to the manufacturers in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation, to privatize livestock farms together with cattle, sheep, camels, poultry that are in the balance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan and allocate land plots for;

9) on the allocation of bank loans to the manufacturers for the purchase of agricultural equipment, machinery and tools, as well as water-saving equipment, up to 70 percent of the total amount of the goods to be purchased, and for the remaining part - to deposit a pledge at the expense of upcoming income;

10) on the allocation of preferential bank loans to the manufacturers, peasant associations and scientific research agricultural institutes for the purchase of excavators and bulldozers with 1% of per annum rate for a period of up to 10 years, starting from the day of their operation, with the annum return of credit funds in equal shares.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan together with the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources of Turkmenistan to prepare a special plan on the increase of crop yields, rational use of land and water resources, improvement of production relations, introducing of advanced scientific practices in the agricultural sector.

3. The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan, the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources of Turkmenistan, the relevant ministries and departments, together with Velayat Hyakimliks, to carry out the appropriate work to implement the proposals listed in the first part of this Resolution and submit the necessary proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

4. The Mejlis of Turkmenistan to implement the proposals, specified in the first part of this Resolution, and to amend the legislation of Turkmenistan.