Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulates the compatriots on Independence Day

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulates the compatriots on Independence Day

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I would like to congratulate you on Turkmenistan Independence Day, which is first time observed on September 27! Independence is a solid foundation of the state sovereignty, unity and solidarity of the nation, - the message of the Head of the State to the nation says.

New history of the Motherland, all our success and achievements have begun from the independence. That is why we are proud to celebration this day as national holiday reflecting creative spirit of the epoch and inspiring for achievement of high target.

The way we chose is a way of creation, which we take our country to high levels. We successfully implement large-scale programmes and social and economic, scientific and educational, social and political reforms aimed at prosperity of the country. industrial facilities, social and cultural objects, modern living, settlements and villages are built in all regions of the country under the Programme of the President.

Our integrated reforms consolidate the bases of sovereignty, provide steadfast, multilateral and dynamic development of the economy, support fundamental improvement of social protection of the populations, - the message mentions.

We restore the Great Silk Road in the third millennium laying new motor roads and railway, building seaports and transnational gas lines uniting the nations by the contacts in cultural, scientific, educational and sport spheres. In this context, such big projects as construction of Turkmenbashy International Seaport, Turkmenabat International Airport have been accomplished, the construction of afghan part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline, Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic line has been launched. We opened Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad. Cycling races, track and field competitions and Amul – Hazar 2018 International Rally have been successfully conducted along the roads of the Great Silk Route.

In addition, we out into operation the first combined cycle power station on the territory of Mary State Power Station, new petrochemical complex in Garabogaz, Ahal Velayat and other big facilities.

Our independent state acts in international relations under legal status of permanent neutrality for 23 years. Turkmenistan makes connection with the states and nations of the world based on the principles of friendship and good neighbourliness, which meet national interests and foreign course of the state. Independent Turkmenistan consolidates the efforts of the countries, international and regional organizations in improvement of peace and harmony of the planet, develops the relations based on mutual understanding and trust.

Such important facts as the selection of our neutral state as the member of the Bureau of the Internal Transport Committee of the United Nations European Economic Commission as well as the member of the Economic and Social Council for 2019 – 2021 have entered the chronicle of 2018. The Resolutions on support of international efforts for stabilization of the situation in Afghanistan and on Cooperation between the United Nations Organization and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea have been adopted by the initiative of Turkmenistan. The World Bicycle Day will be observed annually on June 3 by our initiative as well. All these remarkable events became undisputable evidence of steadfast growth of international authority of neutral Turkmenistan, - the message of the President highlights.