Ï Foreign leaders congratulates the Head of Turkmenistan on the Independence Day

Foreign leaders congratulates the Head of Turkmenistan on the Independence Day

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“I am glad to express my warmest congratulations to the people of Turkmenistan on the Independence Day. The United Nations Organization is improved by the efforts of its members, which having united under the slogan “We are the Nations”, implements its goals laid out in the fundamental Charter.in the time of global challenges as well as big opportunities, these goals are connecting and uniting links.

On the day before the celebration of the Independence of Turkmenistan, I would like to assure you in my active participation in creation of efficient United Nations Organizations as well as in the achievement of peace, sustainable development and human rights for all”, - the message of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says.

“Turkmenistan keeps stability, dynamically develops the economy and consolidate its international authority under your leadership. Turkmenistan has gone successful way of development meeting its realities. Being close friendly neighbour and strategic partner, China is sincerely glad to see the success of your country.

I attach great attention to the development of Chinese – Turkmen relations and cherish good business relations and personal friendship with you. I am willing to put all efforts hand by hand with you for promotion of Chinese Turkmen strategic partnership. I wish prosperity to friendly Turkmenistan, happiness and wellbeing to its people”, Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping highlights.

“This is my pleasure to send the congratulations and sincere wishes of happiness and prosperity to you and people of your country on occasion of Turkmenistan Independence” – the cable of the Emperor of Japan Akihito says.

“Turkmenistan achieved impressive progress for 27 years since declaring its independence, having become the country, which is known in international arena with its grandiose success. I would like to emphasize that these achievements of Turkmenistan stir up the feeling of fraternal pride in Turkey.

I am confident that we would continue increase joint efforts for further consolidation of the relations between Turkey and Turkmenistan.

Dear Mr. President, taking this opportunity, I wish strong health to Your Excellency and prosperity to Turkmen nations”, - President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan mentions.

“On behalf of the people of the State of Israel and personally, I would like to express warm wishes and congratulations on the 27th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan to Your excellency and Turkmen people.

Let me also express my delight with success of Turkmenistan, which has been achieved due to the policy of permanent neutrality. This year, we mark the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and Turkmenistan. In this regard, I would like to invite Your Excellency to pay the state visit to Israel.

I am looking forward for an honour to work with Your excellency for consolidation of peace and expansion of cooperation between our countries”, - the message of President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin highlights.

“On behalf of multinational people of the Republic of Uzbekistan and personally, I sincerely congratulate you and fraternal Turkmen people on the Independence Day.

Recently, Uzbek – Turkmen relations, which are based on friendship, good neighbourliness and trust, have entered new level. Particular results achieved in all spheres of cooperation by our joint efforts created solid foundation for improvement of strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

I am confident that further expansion of our versatile practical cooperation entirely meet fundamental interests of our countries and people and will serve to provision of security and prosperity in Central Asia.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, I wish strong health, prosperity and new successes to you and peace and progress to fraternal people of Turkmenistan from the depth of my heart”, - the message of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev says.

“Turkmenistan gained significant success in consolidation of the statehood, improvement of people wealth and authority on international arena for the years of Independence. I wish your country to develop under your leadership achieving noble goals.

I am confident that relations between Astana and Ashgabat oriented to traditional friendship and close cooperation would continue improving for the sake of our nations.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, taking this opportunity, I would like to wish strong health, inexhaustible energy and success in your responsible activity to you and peace and prosperity to fraternal Turkmen people”, - President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev mentions.

“The Kyrgyz Republic highly appreciate friendly and trustful relations with Turkmenistan.

I would like to express the confidence that Kyrgyz – Turkmen friendly relations, which are aimed at development and improvement of strategic partnership between two fraternal countries would condinue developing in the spirit of trustful and beneficial cooperation.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, taking this opportunity, I wish you strong health, prosperity and success and peace and wealth to the people of Turkmenistan”, - the message of President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov says.

“On behalf of the people of Azerbaijan and personally, I sincerely congratulate you and Turkmen people on national holiday – Turkmenistan Independence Day.

The relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are based on the will of our nations, which have common values and traditions. I am sure that current high level of our interstate relations will serve to permanent solid foundation for further intensification of our cooperation in all spheres.

In this wonderful day, I wish you strong health and success in your activity and peace and prosperity to fraternal people of Turkmenistan”, - Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan highlights.

“Protecting its national originality and unique traditions, your country pursues neutral policy for provision of sustainable development and prosperity of the states, improvement of the role of Turkmenistan in regional and international affairs.

I am confident that joint realization of high agreements based on traditions of friendship and mutual respect of our people will serve as an important impulse for further development and expansion of Armenian – Turkmen interstate relations and for taking these relations to new level.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, taking this opportunity, I would like to wish you good health and prosperity and peace and wealth to fraternal people of Turkmenistan”, - President of the Republic of Armenia Armen Sarkisyan notes.

“I am confident that warm and good relations, which have been formed up between Ukraine and Turkmenistan, would support the realization of considerable potential of cooperation for the sake of our nations.

I hope for further constructive cooperation both on bilateral base as well as under competent international organizations.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, I wish you strong health and new success in your responsible government activity and prosperity, peace and wellbeing to friendly Turkmen people”, - the message of President of Ukraine Pyotr Poroshenko says.

“Today, Turkmenistan successfully strengthens its statehood, develops the economy and social sphere and increases its authority in the world arena.

I am confident that partnership and mutual respect between our countries will continue serving as reliable base for expansion of Belarusian – Turkmen cooperation in all directions.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, I wish you good health and your thoughts to become true and peace and prosperity to friendly people of Turkmenistan”, - President of the RRepublic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko mentions.