Ï President of Turkmenistan Receives Leader of Rönesans Holding

President of Turkmenistan Receives Leader of Rönesans Holding

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President of Turkmenistan Receives Leader of Rönesans Holding
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the president of Turkey’s Rönesans Holding, Erman Ilıcak.

The guest thanked the head of state for the opportunity to meet and conveyed his congratulations on the 27th anniversary of independence and the wishes for happiness and well-being of the Turkmen people. The businessman stressed that his company was proud of the long-term successful cooperation with our country that has achieved tremendous progress in socio-economic development.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked the guest for his kind words and emphasized that Turkmenistan always remained open for mutually beneficial business contacts with leading foreign companies specializing in various fields including construction of major industrial facilities and manufacture of products demanded on world markets. Integrated modernization and diversification of the national economy offer wider opportunities for successful long-term cooperation, the head of state said.

Leader of the Turkish company informed the head of state about the progress of construction in Ahal province of the plant for production of environmentally friendly gasoline from natural gas. According to him, the facility is being constructed in accordance with the established timetable and will be commissioned as scheduled.

Speaking of the importance of the gas processing plant currently being built, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the successful implementation of this major project would become yet another significant step towards boosting capacities of domestic oil and gas industry.

At the end of the meeting the businessman thanked the President of Turkmenistan for the trust placed in his company and conveyed his assurances that Rönesans Holding would honor the partnership commitments.