Ï New mosque is opened in Mir 7 living estate

New mosque is opened in Mir 7 living estate

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Opening ceremony of «Hezreti Omar» mosque was held in Parahat 7 living estate of the capital with the participation of the Mufti of Turkmenistan, imams of the velayats and Ashgabat as well as honoured elders, residents and guests of Turkmen capital.

The mosque was built in accordance with the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov by the order of «Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy» religious organization by Aga gurluşyk» business entity. Latest technologies was used during construction of the mosque along with original architectural solutions of interior, wall decoration and ceiling painting.

The area of the mosque including the building for traditional food donation events is more than 13,000 square meters. The symbolism of the main parameters of the minarets, central and small domes, which height is 63, 40 and 23 meters respectively, is worth special mentioning. Each of these figures is related to the name of the Prophet and indicate the age in his life, when the Almighty sent him his revelation, and the period of his prophet activity.

The complex has special building for food donation and rituals, car parking and planned adjoining territory.

Having looked around the façade of the mosque, the participants of the ceremony entered the building. Marble, granite, precious wood were used in the finishing of the interior. Relief epigraphy containing the suras of Holly Quran takes separate place in the decoration of the mosque. The suras also decorate its white-marble facade. The pray hall is able to accommodate 3,000 people at the same time. The upper level is designated for women.

Having entered the mosque, honoured elders who arrived from different parts of the country read two prayers.

After, the Mufti of Turkmenistan handed over the Holly Quran for President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which was placed next to sacred teperrik. As is known, this gift was presented to Turkmen leader during the pilgrimage to the sacred Kaaba made during official visit of the Head of the State to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

According to the decision of the President of Turkmenistan taken during the discussion with the imams of the velayats and the elders, this relic is exhibited in the mosques of the country for the residents of various region would be able to worship this sanctuary.

After completion of ritual food, the participants of the ceremony received the Quran and the book about the Holly month of Ramadan on behalf of the President. After, afternoon prayer was held in the main building of the mosque.