Ï Several Citizens Receive Title of People’s Honorary Elder

Several Citizens Receive Title of People’s Honorary Elder

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For the great contribution towards strengthening the independence of Turkmenistan, enhancement of the unity and cohesion of the people, education of younger generations; for exemplary work; and to mark the 27th anniversary of the country’s independence, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a Decree to confer the title of the People’s Honorary Elder on the following citizens:

resident of the city of Ashgabat, pensioner, Atayev, Abdylkerim,

resident of the city of Ashgabat, pensioner, Begmyradov, Berdi,

resident of the city of Ashgabat, pensioner, Hajyyev, Ovezgeldi,

resident of the village of Garagan of the county of Garagan of the district of Baherden of the province of Ahal, pensioner, Bilishov, Ashyrberdi,

resident of the village of Nowata of the county of Kopetdag of the district of Gokdepe of the province of Ahal, pensioner, Bashimov, Orazberdi,

resident of the village of Akwekil of the county of Akwekil of the district of Babadayhan of the province of Ahal, pensioner, Orazmuhammedov, Meretdurdy,

resident of the town of Balkanabat of the province of Balkan, pensioner, Nurberdiyev, Polat,

resident of the town of Serdar of the province of Balkan, pensioner, Allanurov, Rejepmyrat,

resident of the town of Gumdag of the province of Balkan, pensioner, Kerimberdiyev, Amangeldi,

resident of the town of Dashoguz of the province of Dashoguz, pensioner, Saparov, Hanbay,

resident of the village of Tazeyol of the county of Zaman of the district of Gorogly of the province of Dashoguz, pensioner, Nuryyev, Arazgeldi,

resident of the village of Alilioy of the county named after Dovletmammed Azady of the district of Akdepe of the province of Dashoguz, pensioner, Gurbanov, Meretdurdy,

resident of the town of Farap of the district of Farap of the province of Lebap, Inayatov, Jorakuly,

resident of the town of Danew of the district of Danew of the province of Lebap, pensioner, Abdyrahmanov, Ahmet,

resident of the village of Mashpaya of the county of Altyn Asyr of the district of Halach of the province of Lebap, pensioner, Allakulyyev, Gurt,

resident of the village of Turkmenistan of the county of Rysgally of the district of Vekilbazar of the province of Mary, Charyyev, Atajan,

resident of the village of Akgonur of the county of Parahat of the district of Mary of the province of Mary, Charyyev, Aman,

resident of the village of Govkyzeren of the county of Ashgabat of the district of Mary of the province of Mary, pensioner Hommayev, Charyyarguly.