Ï Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence takes place

Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence takes place

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Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence takes place
Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence takes place
Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence takes place
Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence takes place
Turkmenistan citizens marks the Independence Day. Early in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went along the alley where the soldiers of National Army froze in the Guard of Honour. National anthem of Turkmenistan was played. The President laid the flowers to the memorial slab installed in front of the entrance to memorial complex, which has valuable relics telling about centuries-old way of Turkmens to their cherished dream – the freedom and independence.

After, Turkmen leader, the members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies laid the flowers. They were followed by Turkmen diplomats and representative of diplomatic corps accredited in our country, political parties and public organizations, ministries and departments, honoured elders, students and residents of the capital.

Foreign guests who arrived in Ashgabat on occasion of the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence have also paid tribute to national symbols. Ocean of flowers covered the square in front of memorial complex reflecting the depth of sincere feeling of love to the Motherland.