Ï Session of the Government takes place

Session of the Government takes place

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Prior the start of celebration parade on occasion of the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov hold brief session of the Cabinet of Ministers in the building of the State Tribune on the main square of the capital.

The agenda included priority subjects of the state life related to practical implementation of the decisions taken at the first session of the People’s Council in Ashgabat on the day before.

During the session, the Head of the State has listened to the reports of the Vice-premiers on the situation in the spheres under their supervision. Information about elaboration of special programme on solution of the objectives for further social and economic development of the country has been presented. In particular, integrated measures for accumulation of industrial potential of the economy is among the main directions of this programme.

In this regard, the necessity of development and adoption of relevant legal acts by National Parliament taking into account key vectors of the state development, universal standards of international law and advance world practice have been highlighted.

The Head of the State received the report on work for improvement of production and export potential of oil, gas and petrochemical industry, establishment of new production facilities in these spheres based on advanced technologies, which produce wide spectrum of import substitutive production demanded on the world markets.

Important role in implementation of the plans of development of various branches of economy and regions in near future is given to construction industry taking into consideration numerous industrial, social and cultural facilities, which are under construction in the country.

Complex of measures for fulfilment of the Resolution of the People’s Council on Further Improvement of Reforms in Agriculture is under elaboration.

Summing up the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the appropriateness of decisions and programme documents adopted at the session of the People’s Council, which added new impulse to successful advancement of the Turkmenistan toward the progress.

Support of high rates of economy growth, rapid industrialization and expansion of export capabilities of the country, intensive development of processing industry, introduction of advanced world practices and high technologies to this sphere, all these objectives have to be under permanent attention, the Head of the State said, having ordered to provide coordinated activity of all structures involved in this direction.

Having highlighted that integrated development of the regions, formation of modern social infrastructure, improvement of work conditions and life of the population are priority directions of the state policy, the President of Turkmenistan gave order to relative leaders to hold the construction of new production, cultural and social facilities under unremitting control.

The Head of the State also requested to provide high organizational level of the events on occasion of the Independence Day.