Ï International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races

International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races

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International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex holds the races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex held the races dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the Independence. According to the tradition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have paid the visit to the celebration event.

Atmosphere of emotional raise was reigning at International Equestrian Complex from early morning. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country, representatives of public organizations, mass media, numerous residents of the capital have gathered together there. Foreign guests who arrived in our country for participation in the events on occasion of the Independence Day were among the participants.

Everything was ready for the start of the event. The State Flags were flying everywhere. The territory of the complex was decorated with air balloons, bright ribbons and flowers.

Greeting the ambassadors and representatives of foreign countries, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude for permanent participation in all celebrations and other events in Turkmenistan.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State highlighted that ‘open doors’ policy of Turkmenistan is aimed at the cooperation with all interested states, including under competent international organizations and regional structures, for establishment of peace on the planet and wealth of the nations.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov entered the territory of neatly decorated complex. Exhibition of national decorative and applied art and handcrafts, which items were dedicated to ahalteke horses, expanded on spacious alleys of the complex.

The Head of the State went in the building of the complex and to the Presidential lounge under the applause of the spectators. Numerous fans of horse races were on the stands.

Ahalteke horses have demonstrated their speed in various distances in 7 races. 12 horses was competing in each race. Overcrowded stands, lenses of photo and video cameras was watching this captivating competitions with delight.

The contest for the main prize announced by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in honour of the 27th anniversary of the Independence of the country was held in the final leg of the competitions. Stud Guychly from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex covered the distance of 2400 meters for 2 minutes 52.1 seconds and won the first place.

The visitors enjoyed the melodies and songs of bakhshys as well as performances of art masters between the races. After, the award ceremony of the winners took place.