Ï Celebration events takes place at the Olympic village

Celebration events takes place at the Olympic village

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Celebration events takes place at the Olympic village
Celebration event dedicated to Turkmenistan Independence took place with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the stadium of the Olympic village.

Visitors and participants of the celebration were holding the State flags of Turkmenistan and coloured balloons. Everything was ready to start grandiose show. The moment came. The fanfares sounded announcing about the beginning of the celebration. Dancers in red dresses formed up two circles in the centre with the girls in white dress in the centre forming up the figure of XXVII in the middle of sport arena. The groups of velayats’ representatives in national dresses of the colours of each velayat made the shape of political map of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

National anthem was played. Hundreds of air balloons of all colours of the rainbow flew in the sky and the flare lit up above the head of giant horse decorating the dome of the Olympic stadium.

Images of historical monuments of ancient cities of Amul, Merv, Nisa, Dekhistan, Kunyaurgench described in book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the great Silk Road” came to life at the stadium. Huge monitor installed at the stadium demonstrated the video about this historical route, which is restored in new format these days.

Images of caravan routes going from all parts of Turkmenistan appeared on the ground of the stadium. The participants of the act dressed like merchants and travellers have gathered in the centre taking us thousands years back.

After the monitor demonstrated the video about modern Turkmenistan, which implements grandiose infrastructural projects, builds new railways, motor roads and pipelines, which restore the Silk Road in new format.

Theme of the video is continued with folk and dance collectives playing artistic images of these projects and in the end of the performance formed up the image of the air gates of Turkmenistan – Ashgabat International Airport.

After, young men and women made the image of head and shoe of the horse – the symbol of 2017 Asian Games. Dance of horsemen who visualize the image of Turkmen masters of horse riding famous with their skills stroke the spectators with its stunt, which were preformed outstandingly with immaculate technical accuracy and unbelievable artistry.

The baton of celebration performance was handed over to numerous column of Turkmen sportsmen, which turned the field of the stadium into Olympic village and arena for demonstration of dozens of various sport competitions in few moments.

In the middle of the ground, the sportsmen performed the composition symbolizing field and track cross and Amul – Hazar 2018 rally, the World Weightlifting Championship, which is to be held in Ashgabat this November.

Kushtdepdy dance, which was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage, performed by art collectives of five velayats was the culmination of the celebration.

Celebration event was coming to the end. The figure XXVII and the image of the Monument of Independence re-appeared again in the centre of sport arena under final song. All participants and numerous spectators joined the song dedicated to the Motherland.