Ï Implementation of SDGs in Turkmenistan Focuses on Social Aspects

Implementation of SDGs in Turkmenistan Focuses on Social Aspects

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Turkmenistan has taken an active part in developing the Sustainable Development Agenda for the period to 2030, and has put forward a number of specific proposals. Following the adoption by the World Summit of the Sustainable Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, our country was one of the first to embark on adapting the SDGs to the national plans and social and economic development programs. In this regard, we have established an appropriate permanent mechanism for cooperation with the United Nations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his Address at the UN headquarters in New York.

The implementation of the SDGs in Turkmenistan particularly focuses on social aspects. By this we mean important issues, such as ensuring food security and improving people’s nutrition; the all-round promotion of a healthy way of life; ensuring full gender equality by guaranteeing the rights and opportunities for all women and girls; and also creating the conditions for a comprehensive, equitable and high-quality education system, the President stressed.