Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Eric Stuart outline the priorities of Turkmen – amreical economic dialog

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Eric Stuart outline the priorities of Turkmen – amreical economic dialog

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Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Eric Stuart outline the priorities of Turkmen – amreical economic dialog
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who is currently on working visit to New York received Executive Director of Turkmenistan – USA Business Council Eric Stuart.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity of personal meeting, the businessman congratulated Turkmen leader on his successful speech at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. Eric Stuart expressed the confidence that important initiatives proposed by Turkmen leader would be supported not only by social and political but also by business circles of the world.

Having expressed the gratitude for good words, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that establishment of business cooperation on equal base with all interested sides is the main objective of foreign course of Turkmenistan. Having highly appreciated the intent of US business circles to strengthen their positions in Turkmen market, the Head of the State highlighted that our country is open for beneficial cooperation.

During the meeting, the Head of the State and his guest shared the opinions on perspectives of bilateral contacts, trade and economic sphere, fuel and energy sector, transport, communications, agriculture as well as other spheres have been outlined among priority directions of the dialog.

The activity of Turkmenistan – USA business council and its role in improvement of interstate relations was separate subject of the conversation. It was highlighted that there would be more participants in coming session of the Business Council as the companies from Great Britain and Canada would joint it together with American companies. It includes the grands of the world business including big banks.

It was mentioned that regular business meetings, forums and exhibitions organized by the Business Council support the establishment of productive contacts between the government and private structures. In this context, the agenda of the next session of the Council was the subject of detailed discussion. In the end of the meeting, the sides expressed mutual interest in successful development of cooperation.