Ï Head of State and Representative of Boeing Discuss Aspects of Cooperation

Head of State and Representative of Boeing Discuss Aspects of Cooperation

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Head of State and Representative of Boeing Discuss Aspects of Cooperation
During his visit to New York, USA, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Bryan Lopp, director of international operations at Boeing.

The representative of the major American company thanked the Turkmen leader for the opportunity to meet and expressed his congratulations on the successful address to the general debate of the regular session of the UN General Assembly. The guest highlighted the importance of proposals related to pertinent issues of global development that were put forward by the head of state. In this regard, Bryan Lopp stressed that the foreign policy course pursued by the Turkmen leader with a focus on the development of mutually beneficial partnership, including cooperation in transport and communications, was widely supported and recognized in the world.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked the guest for the congratulations and said that our country took an active stance towards cooperation in such relevant and important sphere as transport.

It was stressed that the favorable geographic location created every condition for Turkmenistan to become an important transit and transport hub on the Eurasian continent. To use these opportunities, major programs are being implemented in the country to develop the transport connectivity.

The meeting continued with a lively exchange of views on the future development of the effective cooperation. The Turkmen leader said that Boeing was one of our country’s long-standing and reliable partners. Turkmenistan’s choice of aircrafts of this brand is driven by the positive experience of their practical use by international, regional and domestic airlines. This decision is also determined by the urge to endorse high world standards of passenger service and to ensure the flight safety on all routes, the head of state said.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that a document had been signed recently to purchase comfortable, new-generation Boeing 7373 MAX7 aircrafts and stressed that using modern means of transport will expand the possibilities of domestic civil aviation, as well as ensure the further development of air cargo and passenger operations at the appropriate level.

Bryan Lopp thanked the President of Turkmenistan for commending Boeing’s work and reiterated the company’s interest in strengthening and developing the mutually beneficial business contacts with Turkmen partners.