Ï General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat

General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat

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General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
General Assembly of the ABU starts work in Ashgabat
Hotel Yildyz hosted the opening of specialized exhibition and number of other events under the 55th session of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union General Assembly.

As is known, the ABU was established in 1964. As for today, it comprises 279 TV and Radio companies from 73 countries. The Union broadcasts its news, various scientific, educational and sport programmes for 3 million people.

Turkmenistan State Committee for Television, Radio and Cinematography is full member of this largest organization since April 2012. Representative of Turkmen television regularly participate in international forums of this structure and Turkmenistan – Sport TV channel actively cooperates with foreign companies in broadcasting of various competitions.

The 54th International Conference of Sport Committee of Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union in Ashgabat in May last year, which united more than 60 delegates for 19 states of the world, is an example of successful development of the partnership.

Live broadcasting of number of international competitions on national ‘Sport’ channel is the result of the cooperation of the above-mentioned commission.

Constructive partnership with the Union has also been held during broadcasting and advertisement of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games successfully held in Turkmenistan last year.

Official delegations, heads of TV and radio companies from different states and international organizations arrived in Turkmen capital for participation in the 55th session of the ABU and planned events.

As is known, study and implementation of advanced world practice and modern information technologies are important components of the reforms in the country. in this direction, Turkmenistan works in close partnership with leading international and regional structures.

This is indicated by the exposition in the lobby of the Yidlyz Hotel, which demonstrates the capabilities of TV and Radio companies, producers of special profile equipment as well as the companies specialized in provision of satellite communication.

The State Committee for Television, Radio and Cinematography, Turkish TRT Wolrd broadcasting company, Aprstar as well as the Orient - one of the youngest internet portal in our country, opened their exhibition stands.

As it has been mentioned, the sports is actively developing direction of international broadcasting cooperation. Therefore, the placement of the stand of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Turkmenistan representing its exhibits narrating the achievements of Turkmen sportsmen at big competitions including the awards received at International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 this month is quite logical.

Achievements of national textile industry have also been introduced to the guests.

Sessions of the work groups in certain directions including sport, radio broadcasting, strategy and planning as well as technical commission started work in the conference halls of the hotel.

It is planned to held the meetings with the management of the Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union, women forum, training management seminar, VII song festival in coming few days under the session of the ABU.

Official opening ceremony of the 55th session of the General Assembly of Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union will be held on October 4. Current outcomes will be summed up and priority directions of future work will be outlined at the session of the General Assembly.

Cultural programme including the visit to the museum of the capital, Nisa State Historical and Cultural Reserve as well as International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex is organized for participants of the forum.