Ï The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized

The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized

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The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
The contest results for the best picturesque dedication to the Great Silk Road is summarized
17 Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources were solemnly presented to the participants of the exhibition "The Great Silk Road", which was deployed in the exhibition center of the Union of Artists of the country. Baba Ovganov, Vera Gylyzhova, Anna Annayev, Klych Yarmamedov, Natalia Kalugina and others are among the laureates.

The 127 paintings, 16 sculptures, 7 carpets, 7 tapestries, 14 felt pads, 19 photographs, 13 ceramic works consisted thematic exposition. The exhibition was opened by the portrait gallery of the leading feagures of the national school of painting, which was presented by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Vera Gylyzhova. The majestic Aman Kuliev, the thoughtful Eugenia Adamova, the young Aikhan Hajiyev, the good-natured Yakub Annanurov, the elegant Izzat Klychev and the sensible Niyazmurat Dovodov watch from the portraits to the spectators, whom the painter combined with a symbolic detail: in the hands of each - a brush is the artist's working tool.

The tapestry of Altyn Bailieva "Golden Fish" greets visitors rising to the second floor. A huge number of orange fish mischievously rush to meet the audience, surprising the sparkling beauty and playfulness. In her work, Altyn talentedly transferred the smooth dynamics of the underwater world. The framing the canvas baguette creates the illusion of a large aquarium.

There are many wonderful paintings at the exhibition and, despite the thematic focus, each broadcasts a love for the native land and people living in this ancient and beautiful land. The originality of the plot and color expression is captured by the work of "Oriental Woman's Face" by Gulnaz Rozykulova, "The Great Road of a Musician" by Shemshat Mamedova, "By Holy Places" by Juma Aman Durdy, "The Continuation of Life" by Anna Annaeva and others.

The most common themes of paintings are paintings that create a sense of ownership of historical events lines of loaded camels, making long crossing from one country to another, noisy crowded bazaars and long-awaited caravanserais, where, at last, people and animals can rest.

People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Baba Ovganov presented two multi-figure easel paintings at the exhibition: "Folk festivities on the occasion of the wedding" and "Oriental Bazaar." In the case of plot different directions, they are united by a polyphony of emotions. The author depicted the eastern bazaar during the Great Silk Road not only noisy and many-sided, but also immense. It is interesting that both works are performed in a bluish-whitish color scheme, emphasizing the historical distance between those events and today's day. In the film "Folk festivities on the occasion of the wedding" - two interesting details that make the canvas memorable - these are three hats flying up to the clouds, and the kid, rushing to where there are a lot of people and fun playing music. Visitors, examining the details, exchanging opinions, delayed the paintings of Baba Ovganov for a long time.

Anna Annayev's works attracted no less interest. The picture "Kervenbashi", which carries us during the heyday of the Great Silk Road, is full of semantic subtexts, which makes it possible to interpret the author's idea quite widely. The plot dynamics and emphasis on the characters' characters cause an association with the illustration to the historical novel, which unites the "Kervenbashi" with two other canvases by the painter. The choice of style and palette becomes clear when we learn that Anna Annaev is a young teacher of the department of theatrical painting at the Academy of Arts.

Maksata Mukhammetgeldyev’s “Oriental Bazaar” picture adjoins Anna Annayev’s works. Maksat portrayed brisk trade on the square near the city wall of the eastern city. A group of merchants, including Hindus and Chinese, admire the unfolded Turkmen carpet, burning in the sun with a dark cherry color. Predominantly gray and fawn colors used by the artist make the bright Turkmen carpet the main character of the picture. Perhaps this is the main idea of the artist.

Rejepberdi Muhammadov presented his vision of a short rest of caravaneer in the picture "Caravanserai". Traders saw a lot on their way, accumulated knowledge and prosperity, but were unpretentious in everyday life. Exhausted by a difficult road, they could be content with an easy overhang over their heads to hide in the shade from the scorching sun and relax.

The picture of Natalia Kalugina are also impression making. The bush of saxaul is depicted against the background of a bright yellow desert, a blinding eye on which multicolored ribbons are fluttering in the wind. What is the connection between the landscape with the cult bush and the theme of the contest - this question involuntarily comes to mind when you get acquainted with the canvas. The connection turns out to be. Once there was a caravan trail leading to Kyzylkaya ... The author's view and emotions, inspired by the stories of the old-timers, are intertwined in the plot. The work is devoid of historicism, but is saturated with poetics of symbols.