Ï President of Turkmenistan: the national printing industry reaches the world level

President of Turkmenistan: the national printing industry reaches the world level

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“Congratulate you on the opening of the XII International Printing Industry Exhibition and the scientific conference “Book is the Way to Cooperation and Progress”, says President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, addressing the forum participants.

“The people of Turkmenistan treat the national values with special respect and love, in particular a book – as a friend that is able to transform one’s inner world”, says the President of Turkmenistan.

“At all times, a book has been considered as a treasure house that focuses on the spiritual values of the humanity, it has been and remains a mirror of life, the reflection of history, the guide into the future. In our epoch of scientific discoveries, the interest in a book increases with every passing day. We systematically develop the publishing sphere, strengthen its material and technical basis.

“The Printing Centre complex of the Turkmen State Publishing Service, opened in 2015, and the products manufactured there prove that the national printing industry has reached the world level. We invested enormous resources and introduced the most advanced technologies. Particular attention was paid to training qualified experts in the industry. We create the most favourable conditions for the work and life of the printing industry specialists.

“In recent years, the scales of print production that positively influence the spiritual perfection of readers of all ages, the development of society and the state as well as contribute to the triumph of the neutral state policy have significantly increased. This is evidenced by the huge number of textbooks in the Turkmen, English, Russian, French, Chinese, Japanese and other languages, as well as other printed materials produced in our country.

“Life does not stand still, it changes, setting new tasks to the printing industry specialists. The release of well-designed, high-quality books and other printed materials, accurate and timely informing readers about the events taken place in the political and economic life of the country, in the sectors of the national economy are the main tasks of those, who work in this sphere”, says the President in his address.

“Newspapers and magazines produced in our country, textbooks and manuals, scientific works, the works of classical and modern literature are the result of the work and skills of publishers and printers.

“XII International Printing Industry Exhibition and the scientific conference “Book is the Way to Cooperation and Progress” are to promote the popularization of the national print publications and the exchange of experience with foreign experts. The foreign guests, participating in the forum, will be provided with an opportunity to see the books and other printed materials produced in our country, to take part in the presentations, to get acquainted with the work of Turkmen poets and writers, to exchange the creative and practical experience”, emphasizes the President of Turkmenistan.