Ï Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan

Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan

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Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
Passports to the news citizens of Turkmenistan
The solemn ceremony of handing the passports to the persons naturalized in Turkmenistan was held in the conference hall of the State Migration Service. As is known, during the enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 24, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Decree on the naturalization of 735 foreign citizens.

The representatives of the ministries and departments of Turkmenistan, the international organisations, the elders, the cadets of military institutes and journalists.

In recent years, our country has become the second home for many people, who due to certain reasons and circumstances were forced to leave their homes. According to the Decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, 8,145 people were naturalized in Turkmenistan in the period starting from 2011 to 2017. These humanitarian decisions vividly prove our country's continuous commitment to highly humanitarian traditions, the principles of humanity and goodwill.

The humanitarian direction is one of the most important components of the domestic and foreign policy of Turkmenistan, where a person is proclaimed the highest value of the society and the state. Under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, the consistent, systematic work is carried out based on the national legislation and generally accepted international norms with the aim to protect and guarantee the rights, freedoms and interests of all people, living in our country.

In order to implement the peacekeeping and creative potential of the Turkmen state for the common good, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pursues the policy of the wide international cooperation, implementing qualitatively new approaches to address the current problems of our time, paying particular attention to human dimension and social issues. This is vividly exemplified by the constructive initiatives put forward by the President of Turkmenistan from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly and other major forums, which are widely supported and recognized by the world community.

Turkmenistan closely cooperates with international humanitarian organizations. Since 1995, a representative office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been working in our country. Since 2013, Turkmenistan has been a permanent member of the International Organization for Migration. Actively interacting with these structures, our state significantly contributes to the efforts of the world community, carrying out the purposeful work and taking effective measures to assist migrants, refugees, stateless persons and protect their rights. Over the years of long-term cooperation, dozens of projects and programmes have been implemented in this field.

Joining the main international legal documents of the United Nations, including the Convention on the Status of Refugees and its Protocol, the United Nations Conventions on the Status of Stateless Persons, and on the Reduction of Statelessness, our country reaffirms its commitment to its obligations as well as the principles of genuine humanism laid down in the foundation of state policy, pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. During the years of independence, the national legislative base in this area has been supplemented by the Laws of Turkmenistan regulating the legal status of migrants, refugees and stateless persons and guaranteeing their rights and freedoms.