Ï Opening ceremony of the Days of the Sustainable Development is held in the IIR

Opening ceremony of the Days of the Sustainable Development is held in the IIR

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The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted opening ceremony of the Days of the Sustainable Development in Turkmenistan.

Large-scale event planned to be held on October 1 – 31is organized by the Scientific and Methodological Centre of the SDGs under the IIR and the United Nations Permanent Representative Office in Turkmenistan. The action is to support wide awareness of Turkmen society about the importance of the Goals.

Deputies of the Mejlis, personnel of the ministries and departments, professors and lecturers and students of educational institutes, representatives of the UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, the UN Department for Narcotic Drugs and Crime, the WHO as well as the World Bank and other took part in the ceremony.

The event was forestalled by the exhibition of topical publications and printing media prepared by the UN agencies and Scientific and Methodological Centre in one of the buildings of the Institute. Numerous scientific and literature works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov dedicated to success and achievements of Turkmenistan took special place in the exposition. The second volume of book of the Leader of the Nation “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” and monograph “Turkmenistan toward the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”, which were published prior to the Independence Day, were presented there as well.

Turkmenistan was one of the first countries that adapted the Sustainable Development Goals on national level, having started the work on their introduction to the state plans and strategies. Dozens of programmes and projects have been successfully realized in the partnership with such competent structures as the UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, the UN Environmental Programme and other with the support of international financial institutes. At present time, this productive collaboration enters higher levels involving new participants.

It was highlighted in the speeches that constructive proposals of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov find wide support of the world community. Having joined number of important UN conventions, our country invariably fulfils undertaken obligations ebign active participant of the consolidation process of common efforts for provision of peace, stability and security in the planet.

It was mentioned that significant role in formation of the base, which is necessary for efficient implementation of the SDGs, is given to the Scientific and Methodological Centre established in 2017 under the Institute of International Relations on the Foreign Ministry. Being the platform for development of educational plans, recommendations and guides for professional and high educational institutes, the Centre opens wide opportunities for introduction of Turkmen practice in the implementation of the SDGs.

The achievements of Turkmenistan raise great interest of the world community these days. At the same time, politicians, public activists, experts of competent international organization associate undisputable success of our country with scientifically grounded, thoroughly thought policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov meeting modern realities. The experience gained by our state has great value not only on national but also on global level.

Presentation of the works of the Scientific and Methodological Centre for the last year was held during the event. The programme of the Days of Sustainable Development in Turkmenistan has also been presented.

Training course on the SDGS will be organized with the support of the Untied Nations Representative Office for the student of the universities.

Working meetings with the participation of national and foreign specialists and experts for elaboration of Voluntary National Review of the SDGs for the high-level session in 2019 will be held at the UN Representative Office.

The Programme of events also includes the seminar on innovative financing of the Sustainable Development Goals, session under the “The UN Models” on the agenda of the 73rd session of the General Assembly, presentation of the contest of Young Messengers of the SDGs, dance festival “The Sustainable Development Goals to mark 1000 days of 2030 Global Agenda”.