Ï International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media

International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media

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International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
International Exhibition and Fair introduces the achievement of printing media
Opening ceremony of regular XII International Printing Media Exhibition and Fair and Scientific Conference “Book: Way to Cooperation and Progress” organized by Turkmen State Publishing Service and Trade and Industrial Chamber of the country was held in the exhibition centre of the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Around 150 representatives of printing industry, business and literature circles from more than 20 countries came to Ashgabat for participation in International Exhibition and Fair. There are managers, leading specialists, developers and experts representing the interests of more than hundred publishing houses and printing companies, producers of printing equipment, trade agencies, universities from USA, Great Britain, Austria, France, Korea, Poland, Iran, Romania, the CIS countries and other among them.

Famous poets and authors, translators, scientists, painters, journalists as well as representatives of big scientific and education structures of this sphere are in the composition of the delegations. Art collectives welcomed the participants and the guests with beautiful melodies, which gave special atmosphere to the event.

Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, scientific and cultural personnel, mass media and students took part in the opening of the forum.

The participants listened to the greeting message of President of Turkmenistan with great attention.

Printing industry is one of the most important humanitarian component of national economy of the country. Introduction of advanced technologies and equipment from leading world manufacturers became characteristic feature of publishing sphere, which has received strong impulse for the development after opening of new complex of Publishing House in 2015.

Large-scale exposition of periodic and books published in many world languages, printing novelties served as impressive picture of success and stimulus for expansion of cultural and business relations, definition of the perspectives of cooperation.

Considerable potential of national printing industry is demonstrated by big state and private companies. Rich illustrated albums, books, classics of Turkmen and world literature, bright book novelties including for children, periodic magazines, booklets and postcards attract with designing performance. The exhibits of the review raise deserved recognition of old partners as well as of those who meets national printing industry for the first time.

The stands with the works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attracted special attention of numerous visitors of the exhibition. They includes multi-volume “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan”, “Worshiping of Mother – Worshiping of Sacred Thing”, continuation of “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, monograph “Turkmenistan toward the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Scientific and educational level, high content of presented printing production are the main features of Ashgabat Book exhibition. All variety of scientific, educational, children, fiction literature, books about art and history as well as visual learning manuals, maps and photo albums are demonstrated at the exhibition stands of the state structures and scientific and educational centres, publishing houses and trade enterprises from many countries of the world.

Scientific Conference “Book: Way to Cooperation and Progress”, which brought together representatives of printing circles, universities, libraries, specialists of printing industry, journalists and writers, took place in the afternoon. The participants of the meeting studied the achievements of printing industry of Turkmenistan and other countries, practice of introduction of the latest technologies in book and printing production.

Establishment of close partnership between profile structures including in training of specialists of publishing and printing technologies, translations, library and art exchanges has been discussed during interesting exchange of the opinions.

Cultural meeting with the participation of Turkmen and foreign authors dedicated to the works of the Head of the State – second volume of “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” and “Worshiping of Mother – Worshiping of Sacred Thing” took place afterwards in the Trade and Industrial Chamber.