Ï Book “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”is published in Korean language

Book “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”is published in Korean language

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Book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” gain big popularity not only in our country but also abroad where it has been translated to different languages. New message came – the work of the Head of Turkmen state revealing consolidating role of ancient international route was published in Korean language.

As is known, the work of the President of Turkmenistan addresses the Silk Road as unique historical and cultural occurrence. The author narrates about deep trace that this phenomenon of ancient world left in the history on example of our modern independent and neutral state – the country carefully protecting and honouring the richest heritage of the centuries. The book of Turkmen leader is emotional narration full of life and love about the fundamentals of developed society, which is humanitarian platform.

Owing to translation in Korean language, huge reading audience of friendly country has an excellent opportunity to improve the knowledge about ancient history and richest culture of Turkmen nation and its spiritual values.

Publishing of the book is important event in the history of Turkmen – Korean relations. Recently, humanitarian dialog supporting the improvement of friendship and understanding between two nations actively develops and relations of our countries in science and education, culture and tourism expand.

The Korean Week, which has been organized by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ashgabat in the first decade of September, is one of the examples. Conference dedicated to the importance of the Great Silk Road, festivals of Korean cuisine as well as production of Korean cinematography and traditional dance have been organized under the event.

Scientists and representative of culture from the Republic of Korea take active part in the work of international forums in Turkmenistan. Study of Korean language in the faculty of oriental languages and literature of D. Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages is important evidence of successful partnership in educational sphere.

Undoubtedly, new publishing will support further development of scientific and cultural contacts, understanding and trust between two nations, which histories go to the depth of the centuries.