Ï Pygy Bayramdurdyev: I perceive the award as a high appreciation of the skill of the «Galkynysh» group

Pygy Bayramdurdyev: I perceive the award as a high appreciation of the skill of the «Galkynysh» group

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The head of the famous Turkmen “Horsemen” group Pygya Bairamdurdyev was awarded the “Galkynysh” order in honor of the 27th anniversary of independence, the main director of the State Circus.

“Such a high assessment of my work causes a feeling of excitement and great gratitude,” Pygy Hojamuhammedovich shares his impressions. “When I got the award, I remembered a momentous episode from my life that occurred 30 years ago: a rural boy, driven by a dream to become a jigit, is standing in the circus arena before People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Batyr Annayev, who offers me to ride a horse, and I ... for the first time in my life I sit in the saddle. I had to concentrate as much as possible, and the horse, feeling the rider’s firm character, obeyed. It was a crucial moment that happily changed my life, connected me with a circus.

- The ability to concentrate in a critical situation helped, probably, to you in the future...

“The work of a circus artist is, a priori, a risk, therefore the maximum concentration is an indispensable condition for existence in our profession.

- Please, can you tell us about the Guinness record holder Akhane?

- Currently Akhan is 12 years old. This is a purebred beautiful horse from the Gyrsakar family. At the age of 2 years, Akhana was approached by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: in his free time he brought up, trained. He easily mastered the trick "candle", rising on his hind legs and holding his croup high. Noting in his pupil extraordinary abilities, the head of state presented him to the group of national equestrian games "Galkynysh".

The festival in St. Petersburg, where Turkmen horsemen won the Golden Gaetano - Grand Prix at the I International Festival of Circus Art "On the Fontanka", coincided with the City Day and the anniversary of the St. Petersburg circus. Therefore, it was decided to conduct a cavalcade of circus animals — horses, elephants, tigers, etc. — along Nevsky Prospect. The handsome Akhan was honored to lead the procession!

- Pygy, I am sure that the “Galkynysh” group, under your leadership, will more than once please the compatriots with bright victories that raise the prestige of our country. We wish you luck!

- Thank you! The award given to me is the award of all the jigits of our group, which has the same name as the Order - Galkynysh. I wholeheartedly thank President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for his love for the Akhal-Teke horses and for the full support of the Turkmen horsemen, which lies at the heart of all the achievements of our team.