Ï Turkmenistan diversifies export commodity structure

Turkmenistan diversifies export commodity structure

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During the examination of the new polymer plant in Kiyanly, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the end product packaging workshop that will produce seven types of polyethylene and five types of polypropylene by introducing various additives and fillers into the polymer material at high temperature.

This process, that is called compounding, makes it possible to modify the key properties of a polymer product. There is special equipment to perform this crucial operation, for example an extruder. Granular of finished products are sent to the warehouse, and then are packed in bags of different weights.

Possessing the high hardness and durability, chemical resistance to acids, alkalis, fats and oils, excellent dielectric properties, polyethylene is widely used as a raw material for the production of both technical and household items and materials - films, packages, communication pipes, insulation of electrical cables. Polyethylene is used for the production of containers for household chemicals, cans, barrels, toys, housewares, utensils, kitchen and bathroom products, sewing and furniture accessories, components for automotive and household appliances, as well as large-scale structures in the form of playgrounds, wells, racks, etc.

Granulated polypropylene is also of high demand on the world markets. Today, polypropylene is used for the production of an extremely wide range of goods - from packaging film and plastic utensils to high-tech parts for household appliances and cars.

It should be noted that a plant for the production of a biaxially oriented polypropylene film (BOPP) with a capacity of 21,000 tons per year was put into operation at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries this summer.

Thus, focusing on the high-level processing of natural gas, Turkmenistan will not only strengthen its position in the global energy market as the largest supplier of energy carriers, but also will diversify the export commodity structure and develop the new forms of the international energy business.

The gas chemical complex opened in Kyyanly will annually process five billion cubic meters of natural gas and produce 386,000 tons of high-density polyethylene and 81,000 tons of polypropylene.