Ï Cotton producers in Mary velayat boost cotton harvesting

Cotton producers in Mary velayat boost cotton harvesting

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The important seasonal agricultural campaign – cotton harvesting – is now gathering momentum. Every day thousands of tons of ‘white gold’ are delivered to the cotton-receiving centers all over the country.

Cotton growers (who are contractually obliged to produce 313 tons of valuable raw cotton) in Mary velayat are making efforts to speed up the campaign. Taking part in the countrywide competition for the best cotton producers, landowners, combine operators and drivers of the cotton-harvesting campaign-2018, the region’s farmers are doing their best to be among the leaders.

Cotton growers in Karakum, Turkmenkala and Oguzkhan etraps have been pace setters in the region since the start of the harvest season. Energy and enthusiasm of tenant farmers, material incentives, and rewards for those, who work best, help to inspire them to accelerate the harvesting operations in daikhan associations and other etraps in the region.

High-performance agricultural machinery (including new cotton combines and specialized equipment, the farmers have received at their disposal this year) are helping considerably to achieve the production targets. Thanks to 324 cotton combines working in the fields in the region, more than one thousand tons of ‘white gold’ are delivered daily to the cotton-receiving centers.