Ï High paces of cotton picking campaign in Dashoguz Velayat

High paces of cotton picking campaign in Dashoguz Velayat

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This year, in Dashoguz Velayat, it is planned to produce 230,000 tons of cotton from 140,000 hectares of cotton plantations. The specialized highly productive equipment allow maintaining the high paces of the harvesting campaign.

Cotton growers in S. Turkmenbashi Etrap, S.A. Niyazov Etrap and Georogly Etrap demonstrate the best results in the region.

The necessary conditions for round-the-clock technical and service maintenance of the equipment, work and good rest for machine operators and other participants in the harvesting campaign have been created everywhere.

The Resolution “On the further improvement of agricultural” adopted during a session of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan that envisages the involvement of private producers, as well as the measures on the rational use of land and water resources promotes improving labour efficiency. The increase of the government purchase prices for wheat and cotton as well as the services related to the cultivation of these strategic crops are among the other steps to further encourage agricultural producers.