Ï The session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

The session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where topical issues of the state policy have been reviewed. Leaders of number of the ministries and departments, directors of high educational institutes have been invited to the session.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova who informed on the work for improvement of the legislation, preparation to regular session of National Parliament as well as on the outcomes of the working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Geneva, Switzerland for participation in the 139th Assembly of Inter-Parliamentary Union.

It was highlighted that elaboration of new laws is carried out in the context of the main priorities of the state policy. Bills aimed at the improvement of existing legislation in certain fields and at dynamic promotion of social and economic changes in general will be discussed at the next session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation on October 20 this year.

The members of the delegation have also took part in the 28th session of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians, which was held under the Assembly of the IPU and informed the delegates about the achievement of our country in solution of gender subjects, work for strengthening of the legislation in this sphere, support of the tradition of deep respect of woman and mother coming from the past in Turkmen society.

It was informed that the Chairperson of the Mejlis made speech at the high-level segment of general debates of the 139th Assembly of the IPU “Role of Parliament in Supporting of Peace and development in the Epoch of Innovations and Technological Progress”. It was mentioned in the report that owing to scientifically grounded policy of the Head of the State, Turkmenistan has created firm legislation base supporting scientific and technical progress and wide implementation of innovations as well as provides stable growth in all spheres, financial stability, timely response to external threats and changes of the world economic conditions.

The participants of the forum were informed about multi aspect work in our country carried out under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for realization of socially oriented internal and constructive foreign policy. Special emphasis has been made on the importance of creative global initiatives of Turkmen leader.

It was mentioned that delegates of the 139th Assembly of the inter-Parliamentarian Union have embraced with great enthusiasm and unanimously supported the proposal of the Head of the State on declaring of 2019 as a year of Peace and Trust, which was given at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly.

During the 139th Assembly of the IPU, the Speaker of the Mejlis met with the Head of Switzerland delegation under the IPU, Chairman of the IPU Committee on the rights of parliamentarians, Senator Andrea Caroni, President of the IPU Gabriela Cuevas Barron and the IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong.

Having listened to the information, the President highlighted that it is necessary to pay special importance to the exchange of the practice in law-making activity and to organize the events for introduction of history and modern achievements of Turkmenistan on its way of development of democratic legal state to the world community.

The Head of the State named the communicating of the success of gender equality to the world community as well as wide popularization of national traditions related to historical traditions of respect of mother, which are in the mentality of Turkmen nation and the basis of education of young generation, among priority direction of work.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the visit of Turkmenistan delegation to the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 16, during which the meeting with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev took place. Having conveyed cordial greetings to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Uzbek leader confirmed the commitment of neighbouring country to traditionally fraternal relations with Turkmenistan.

During the visit of the delegation of our country, bilateral ministerial consultations took place where the issues of further expansion of Turkmen – Uzbek dialog in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres were reviewed. At the same time, the sides exchanged the views on the aspects of preparation and agenda of the Summit of the Heads of Central Asian countries in Uzbekistan in 2019.

Having highlighted that comprehensive development of friendship and beneficial cooperation with neighbouring states is one of the priorities of foreign policy of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight strategic character of the partnership with the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Turkmen leaders said that existing potential in trade and economic relations opens big opportunities for significant increment of volumes and diversification of trade turnover, activation of investment activity, strengthening of business contacts and entering of new joint projects. Cooperation in humanitarian sphere, which is based on centuries-old historical, cultural and spiritual common, is an integral part of interstate dialog.

Having noted that regular character and efficiency of visits and high-level meetings as well as systematic contacts of the foreign departments indicates the focus of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to full-scale cooperation, the Head of the State gave number of relative instruction to continue the work in this direction.

After, the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry reported on the outcomes of the working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 18. It was informed that the meeting with President Ilham Aliyev took place in Baku. Congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was handed over to him on occasion of the Independence Day of Azerbaijan. Having expressed cordial gratitude, the Head of friendly state expressed full support of constructive initiatives of Turkmen leader for provision of universal peace and security, development of beneficial cooperation in energy and transport spheres.

Number of specific proposals on use of existing capabilities for efficient involvement of international transport and transit corridors were given during the meeting. In this regard, the agreement on special meeting between the heads and specialists of profile structures of two countries has been achieved. The presence of perspectives for further expansion of trade and economic relations has also been noted.

Special emphasis was laid upon the importance of consolidation of traditional humanitarian cooperation, which would be supported by regular organization of the Cultural Days, art forums and other events. In particular, the proposal on the exhibition of Turkmen carpet in National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan has been discussed.

The meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Novruz Mamedov has also took place.

On the same day, bilateral foreign ministry consultations, which agenda included wide spectrum of subjects of Turkmen – Azerbaijan partnership, have also taken place in Baku. Opportunity of cooperation in Caspian Sea as separate subject of the meeting. The necessity of the increment of cargo transportation volumes between international seaports of Turkmenbashy and Baku has been noted in regards to the cooperation in transport sphere.

The Programme of Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019 – 2020 has been signed during the visit.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that our countries have significant natural and resource potential including energy one, which opens good opportunities for productive contacts in different spheres, development of new perspective directions of cooperation.

Continuing the report, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov informed about the preparation to coming working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Japan. In this context, steadfast character of bilateral partnership, which is successfully developed both in bilateral and multilateral formats under Central Asia + Japan dialog, has been noted.

Programme of working visit of the delegation of our country to Tokyo, where the session of Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation and joint business forum are planned to be held, has been presented for review to the Head of the State. After, the floor was given to Chairman of the State Bank of Foreign Economic Activity R. Jepbarov who reported on the activity of his organization, measures for attraction and efficient development of foreign investments. The information about cooperation with big financial funds and leading banks of foreign countries has also been presented.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that improvement of fruitful relations with all interested states of the world and competent international financial organizations is important aspects of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan.

Having noted the importance of expansion of the partnership with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, which participated in the implementation of big investment projects in oil, gas and chemical industry of our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the head of the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs with specific instructions.

The Head of the State highlighted that Japan is one of the reliable business partners of Turkmenistan. In this regard, successful activity of leading Japanese companies in the country has been noted.

Realization of such infrastructural projects as construction of industrial complexes in Balkan Velayat for production of carbamide fertilizers in Garabogas, polyethylene and polypropylene in Kiyanly as well as the plant for production of gasoline of natural gas in Ahal Velayat are among the cooperation. Having taken the course to industrialization and diversification of the economy, our country welcomes investment activity of Japanese partners, the Head of the State said.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the measures for preparation to the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat on October 28 – November 10, 2018.

Applications from 100 countries (9 states of Africa, 38 European countries, 29 Asian countries, 15 American and 9 Oceania countries) came for participation in the competitions. Therefore, arrival of 800 of foreign sportsmen and 1500 representatives of different countries including referee teams, journalists, etc. are expected. 500 volunteers from the universities of Turkmenistan have been trained for servicing of the tournament.

Works for development of the web-site of the championship, accreditation of the participants are carried out. Uniform for volunteers, organizers and Turkmenistan team is prepared by the facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry of the country. Ticket sale for the opening ceremony of the competition has started in Berkarar Shopping and Entertainment Centre and in Ashgabat Park. The Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Culture carry out relevant works.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to take all measures for perfect conduct of the world championship, creation of the best conditions for all participants and guests and highlighting by mass media.

After, the Head of the State has focused on the issues of national educational systems, which experiences the modernization process like many other social institutes. Professional education has always been one of the factors of economic power of the state. Today, it has to meet the requirements of the market, the President continued, having noted the importance to consolidate the efforts of the state, employers and educational institutes and to drive it to the realization of social and economic strategy of Turkmenistan.

Digitalization of educational processes in all levels plays important role in modern conditions. This direction has to be one of the main in continuation of the reformation of national education system, the Head of the State highlighted, having outlined the study of the best foreign practice, wide implementation of the world advanced experience in this sphere among priority objectives.

Having signed the Resolution, according to which the representatives of the Ministry of Education are sent to Romania for familiarization with the most efficient developments in training of the specialists, the President highlighted that education is one of important components of bilateral cooperation, therefore, it is necessary to expand the contacts in this sphere. Every year, dozens of Turkmen students are sent to the universities in Romania to gain new skills and knowledge, which are necessary for future professions required in the branches of Turkmen economy.

Intent of Romania universities for more active cooperation was demonstrated during specialized exhibition in Ashgabat last summer. It is also necessary to think over the opportunity of regular student exchange and organization of training of our lecturers.

Continuing the session, the Head of the state noted that based on its neutral status, Turkmenistan pursues ‘open door’ policy paying attention to the development of international cooperation in different directions including science and education. Huge attention is also paid to the establishment and expansion of close contacts of the universities of our country with profile educational centres of foreign states and exchange of students and teachers.

Addressing Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev and Director of Turkmen Agricultural University D. Myradov, the President highlighted that several important decisions for fundamental change of agricultural complex have been taken at the session of the People’s Council. It is important to speed up the preparation of rational proposals from the scientists and lecturers of this university, Turkmen leader highlighted.

Speaking of the activity for comprehensive development of national health protection system, the President focused on the main objectives in this direction. Vice-premier P. Agamyradov and Director of the State Medical University A. Orazaliyeva were requested to study the subject of the most required hospital in the region as well as to take proper measures for improvement of work of relative sanitary and prevention services.

Speaking to Vice-premier M. Chakiyev and Director of Turkmen State University of Transport and Communication N. Kuliyev, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to prepare special proposal for further development of transport and transit corridors, modernization of roads and railways. It was noted that improvement of this sphere would open wide perspectives for activation of international cooperation and growth of economic power of the state.

At present time, growth of construction, planning and change of the image of the cities are priority objectives, the Head of the State continued, having focused the attention of Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev and Director of Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute B. Atamanov on the necessity of elaboration of the proposals for development of the systems of urban construction and architecture.

Introduction of advanced technologies in construction and other branches is important requirements of the present, Turkmen leader noted. It is necessary to approach the subjects of consolidation of international cooperation, getting the knowledge by scientists, specialists and student of our country abroad comprehensively and with responsibility.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the sixth session of Interstate Turkmen – Saudi Commission for trade and economic cooperation, which was held in Ashgabat on October 16 -18.

During the session, Minister of Trade and Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Majid Bin Abdullah Al Kasabi informed on the decision to allocate additional investments to construction of Turkmen part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India transnational gas line. At the same time, the willingness to render necessary support for opening of the shops of the Ministry of Textile Industry in Saudi Arabia has been expressed.

The Vice-premier also reported on the work for amendments and addendums of the country’s legislation on the regulation of provision of gas to local consumers from the next year and on the work for instalment of gas meters at the facilities and in living houses. It was informed that relative facilities improved the regulations on gas use and coordinated these regulations with the Ministry of Finances and Economy.

Speaking of the session of the Interstate Turkmen – Saudi Commission for trade and economic cooperation, the Head of the State noted that traditionally friendly interstate relations are characterized by high level of fruitful partnership in many directions. Having stated the presence of significant potential for further activation and expansion of beneficial business contacts, the President of Turkmenistan gave number of instructions on practical implementation of achieved agreements.

Investments allocated by the Saudi Investment Fund indicate the interest of foreign investors in construction of TAPI gas line, who highly appreciate the reasonability and potential of this project, its profitability and cost recovery.

Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia are in the number of the states that has colossal reserves of natural resources, which makes favourable conditions for expansion of interstate cooperation in fuel and energy complex and other spheres, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

After, the floor was given to Chairman of the State Concern Turkmengaz M. Archayev who reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision.

Improvement of efficiency of work of fuel and energy complex, which is to make significant input to social and economic development of the country, is the main objective of today, the President of the country highlighted. Having outlined technical and technological renewal of the industry among perspective direction, the Head of the State ordered to control the deadlines of realization of big investment projects including he construction of transnational TAPI gas line.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the regions and on the changes in agricultural complex.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that integrated measures aimed at further improvement of profitability and technical rearmament of the branch, modernization of its processing infrastructure, growth of high quality production are necessary conditions for the formation of competitive agrarian industry.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K Durdymyradov reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision, works for consolidation and expansion of production infrastructure of industrial sector.

Having highlighted the importance of attraction of foreign investments in the form of the most advanced equipment and latest technologies to this sphere, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of rapid realization of national industrial projects that have strategic importance for the economy of the country both in import substitutive direction and export orientation.

Focusing the attention of Chairman of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa N. Niyazliyev, who was invited to the session of the Government, on improvement of efficiency of activity of the facilities under his supervision, improvement of quality and volumes of mineral fertilizers and other chemical products, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to take under control the course and completion of construction of new facilities and provision of compliance to ecological safety.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on planned maintenance works at the state power stations by the Ministry of Energy.

Information on the instalment of water and electricity meters in living houses has also been given. It was informed that issue of payment books and registration of necessary documents is continued.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State focused on the importance of fulfilment of all objectives of the organizations of the Ministry of Energy including timely fulfilment of maintenance works on the power stations on proper level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on organization of the exhibition of the PRC goods as well as on bilateral meetings under the exhibition.

Participation of more than 100 companies from the PRC working in computer technology, oil, gas and chemical industry, energy, construction and construction materials spheres, light and food industry, heavy engineering and agriculture is expected in the review. The exhibitors will make the presentation of their products – modern equipment and production technologies.

Developing cooperation with foreign partners in external markets, we support to the growth of export and formation of positive image in international trade, the President said, having noted that promotion of the positions in this sphere requires the understanding of the world market situation, high mobility of producers and competiveness of the production.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the work for further improvement of activity of the branches under his supervision.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that transport system of Turkmenistan has huge reserves, which allow providing growing volumes of cargo and passenger transportation. Having demanded to use existing capabilities in full volume, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of certain assignments.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the improvement of activity of cultural and educational facilities and the work for transferring of former building of one of the departments of the State Museum to the jurisdiction of the State Library.

Having focused on the improvement of activity of cultural sphere, especially the libraries, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of the coverage with cultural and educational work of all etraps, remote villages of the country. Speaking of the expansion of useful area of the State Library, the President noted the importance of further development of its activity and use of modern technologies for this purpose.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted the importance of continuation of works for transfer to digital economy, which is to support the attraction of the investments, introduction of perfect methods of government administration, improvement of its activity and creation of work places. Having focused on topical objectives, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments.

Having signed the Resolution on approval of new composition of Turkmen part of Interstate Turkmen – Tajik Commission for trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation and the Resolution on sending of the delegation of Turkmenistan to Dushanbe (the Republic of Tajikistan), President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov.

The Minister has informed that preparation to regular session of Interstate Turkmen – Tajik Commission is carried out at the moment. The agenda will include the subjects of expansion of bilateral relations in such spheres as investments, energy, transport and communications, industry, agriculture, education and science, health protection, culture and art, sport and tourism.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan and Tajikistan closely operate in wide spectrum of subjects and have significant reserves and capabilities for promotion of the partnership in trade and economic sphere, increment of trade turnover as well as humanitarian relations.

After, Vice-premier G. Myradov reported on the preparation of the drafts of the State budget, the main directions of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and Investment Programme for 2019. The documents, which were coordinated with relevant departments, stipulate special means for financing of the events for implementation of advanced technologies and transfer to digital economy in all branches.

Considerable part of monetary funds are planned to send for further improvement of social and living conditions of the population. The budget for the next year stipulates 10 percent increment of salary and state allowances, pensions and students scholarships.

Having focused on priority objectives related to development of the draft of the State Budget for 2019, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of reduction of the budget expenditures for financing of the administration authorities and to use saved money for construction of schools, kindergartens and other social facilities.

Speaking of fundamental changes in national economy of the country, the Head of the State noted that at the modern stage, the industrialization, establishment of electronic industry and transfer to digital economy require the availability of specialists in these spheres. In this context, the development of new programmes of educational plans in directions required these days, particular in finances, agriculture, industry and electronics, has been outlined among priority vectors.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance to stipulate significant amounts for education, health protection and science in the State budget for the next year.

Same as in the previous year, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of social sphere during development of the main financial plan. It is necessary to increase the expenses used for solution of living and social subjects, especially for construction of living houses.

Addressing Vice-premier G. Myradov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to increase the volume of credits put into development of the branches of national economy as well as to foresee the financing of the activity for stimulation and development of small entrepreneurship. The Head of the State focused on the necessity of increment of credits given to the population as well as improvement of the quality of banking services and availability of interest rates, encouragement of banking deposits and guarantee of their reliability.

The President outlined the review of the Investment Programme among perspective objectives, having said that it is necessary to foresee the construction of industrial facilities every year.

Having requested to elaborate on the draft State budget according to the mentioned remarks and recommendations, the President highlighted that this issues would be reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers in the end of November.