Ï The priority to be given to social sphere in the main financial document for 2019

The priority to be given to social sphere in the main financial document for 2019

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At the session of the Government on October 19, Vice-premier G. Myradov reported on the preparation of the drafts of the State budget, the main directions of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and Investment Programme for 2019. The documents, which were coordinated with relevant departments, stipulate special means for financing of the events for implementation of advanced technologies and transfer to digital economy in all branches.

Considerable part of monetary funds are planned to send for further improvement of social and living conditions of the population. The budget for the next year stipulates 10 percent increment of salary and state allowances, pensions and students scholarships.

Having focused on priority objectives related to development of the draft of the State Budget for 2019, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of reduction of the budget expenditures for financing of the administration authorities and to use saved money for construction of schools, kindergartens and other social facilities.

It was noted that at the modern stage, the industrialization, establishment of electronic industry and transfer to digital economy require the availability of specialists in these spheres. In this context, the development of new programmes of educational plans in directions required these days, particular in finances, agriculture, industry and electronics, has been outlined among priority vectors.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance to stipulate significant amounts for education, health protection and science in the State budget for the next year.

Same as in the previous year, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of social sphere during development of the main financial plan. It is necessary to increase the expenses used for solution of living and social subjects, especially for construction of living houses.

Addressing Vice-premier G. Myradov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to increase the volume of credits put into development of the branches of national economy as well as to foresee the financing of the activity for stimulation and development of small entrepreneurship. The Head of the State focused on the necessity of increment of credits given to the population as well as improvement of the quality of banking services and availability of interest rates, encouragement of banking deposits and guarantee of their reliability.

The President outlined the review of the Investment Programme among perspective objectives, having said that it is necessary to foresee the construction of industrial facilities every year.