Ï Delegation of the Foreign Ministry pays working visit to Baku

Delegation of the Foreign Ministry pays working visit to Baku

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Working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan was held on October 18. Vice-premier, Head of the foreign Ministry R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the visit at the session of the Government on October 19.

It was informed that the meeting with President Ilham Aliyev took place in Baku. Congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was conveyed to the President of friendly state on occasion of the Independence Day of Azerbaijan. Having expressed cordial gratitude, the President of Azerbaijan expressed full support of constructive initiatives of Turkmen leader for provision of universal peace and security, development of beneficial cooperation in energy and transport spheres.

Number of specific proposals on use of existing capabilities for efficient involvement of international transport and transit corridors were given during the meeting. In this regard, the agreement on special meeting between the heads and specialists of profile structures of two countries has been achieved. The presence of perspectives for further expansion of trade and economic relations has also been noted.

Special emphasis was laid upon the importance of consolidation of traditional humanitarian cooperation, which would be supported by regular organization of the Cultural Days, art forums and other events. In particular, the proposal on the exhibition of Turkmen carpet in National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan has been discussed.

The meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Novruz Mamedov has also took place.

On the same day, bilateral foreign ministry consultations, which agenda included wide spectrum of subjects of Turkmen – Azerbaijan partnership, have also taken place in Baku. Opportunity of cooperation in Caspian Sea as separate subject of the meeting. The necessity of the increment of cargo transportation volumes between international seaports of Turkmenbashy and Baku has been noted in regards to the cooperation in transport sphere.

The Programme of Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019 – 2020 has been signed during the visit.

In this regard, the Head of the State noted that our countries are connected with friendly relations, which were stipulated by common history, cultural traditions and spiritual values of Turkmen and Azerbaijan nations. The interstate dialog has entered new level. This is brightly indicated by important document – the Declaration of Strategic Partnership, signed in last August. Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan also work close under competent regional and international organizations demonstrating the similarity of the visions and approaches to topical issues of global agenda.

The Head of the State said that our countries have significant natural and resource potential including energy one, which opens good opportunities for productive contacts in different spheres, development of new perspective directions of cooperation.