Ï The Speaker of National Parliament makes speech at the 139th IPU Assembly

The Speaker of National Parliament makes speech at the 139th IPU Assembly

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Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Gulshat Mammedova spoke at the high-level meeting of general debates of the 139th IPU Assembly “Role of Parliament in Supporting of Peace and development in the Epoch of Innovations and Technological Progress”. It was mentioned in the report that Turkmenistan has created firm legislation base supporting scientific and technical progress and wide implementation of innovations as well as provides stable growth in all spheres, financial stability, timely response to external threats and changes of the world economic conditions.

The participants of the forum were informed about multi aspect work in our country carried out under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for realization of socially oriented internal and constructive foreign policy. Special emphasis has been made on the importance of creative global initiatives of Turkmen leader.

It was mentioned that delegates of the 139th Assembly of the inter-Parliamentarian Union have embraced with great enthusiasm and unanimously supported the proposal of the Head of the State on declaring of 2019 as a year of Peace and Trust, which was given at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly.

During the 139th Assembly of the IPU, the Speaker of the Mejlis met with the Head of Switzerland delegation under the IPU, Chairman of the IPU Committee on the rights of parliamentarians, Senator Andrea Caroni, President of the IPU Gabriela Cuevas Barron and the IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong.