Ï The Leader of Uzbekistan receives delegation of Turkmenistan Foreign Ministry

The Leader of Uzbekistan receives delegation of Turkmenistan Foreign Ministry

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Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed at the session of the Government on October 19 that Turkmenistan delegation had working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan where it had the meeting with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Having conveyed the greetings to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Leader of Uzbekistan confirmed the commitment of his country to friendly relations with Turkmenistan. At the same time, special attention has been paid to the work for practical implementation of the agreements achieved during the state visit of Turkmen leader to the Republic of Uzbekistan in april this year.

During the visit of the delegation of our country, bilateral ministerial consultations took place in Tashkent where the issues of further expansion of Turkmen – Uzbek dialog in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres were reviewed. At the same time, the sides exchanged the views on the aspects of preparation and agenda of the Summit of the Heads of Central Asian countries in Uzbekistan in 2019.

In this regard, having highlighted that comprehensive development of friendship and beneficial cooperation with neighbouring states is one of the priorities of foreign policy of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight strategic character of the partnership with the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is built on equal rights.

It was noted that countries have big capabilities for significant increment of volumes and diversification of trade turnover, investment activity, strengthening of business contacts and entering of new joint projects. Cooperation in humanitarian sphere is an integral part of interstate dialog.