Ï Turkmen Parliament adopts new laws

Turkmen Parliament adopts new laws

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Regular third session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation was held, during which number of laws and regulatory and legal acts developed in accordance with priorities of the state policy, new edition of the Constitution and integrated programme of modernization of legal framework of the country have been adopted. Representatives of relevant ministries and departments as well as mass media have been invited to participate in the session.

Draft Law of Turkmenistan on Reclamation of Lands has been presented for review by the parliamentarians. It was noted that large-scale reforms are carried out in the agricultural sector of the country, which received new impulse at the first session of the People’s Council recently.

Special attention is paid to use of land and water resources in social and economic strategy as to important factor of dynamic development of agricultural complex, increment of production volumes of various agricultural products and environmental protection.

Great attention is paid to the reclamation of lands including the irrigation and draining of the areas under crops, watering of the pastures, construction of hydrotechnical systems and other facilities like water reservoirs, dams, water lifting stations as well as creation of protective forest belts, introduction of advanced technologies saving water resources and improving soil fertility and other.

Construction of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake – the largest hydrotechnical facility, is one the examples of this. Due to precise operation of drainage collectors, salinized waters flow to the lake from the arable lands in the country, which results in reduction of the level of ground waters and in the improvement of the condition of the land, better harvest of agricultural crops and enrichment of local flora and fauna.

In addition, realization of the project of mad-made lake in the centre of the Karakums, which is one of the greatest deserts in the world, is positive factor in the context of natural protection improving environmental situation not only in our country but in entire region.

In general, it stipulates the urgency of the above-mentioned Law, which defines legal, economic and organizational bases of lands reclamation and regulates the relations in this field.

After, Draft Law of Turkmenistan on Radio Frequency Spectrum has been presented to the deputies for review. In this regard, growing role of modern communication systems and telecommunication in dynamic social and economic development of the state has been highlighted. In particular, integrated measures for expansion of cellular communication services and Internet as well as improvement of their quality are taken, equipment of city and rural telephone stations is modernized. The level of provision of organizations, facilities and educational institutes with information and communication technologies is growing. Various forms of wireless communication received wide application these days in the result of rapid development of communication technologies.

New Law on Radio Frequency Spectrum defines legal bases of the management, use and control of radio frequency spectrum on the territory of Turkmenistan. The Law is to supplement existing regulations outlining general rules of licensing of the activity in communication sphere, certification of communication devices and services, movement of radio electronic equipment and high frequency devices across custom border of Turkmenistan as well as regulating the relations between the owners of electronic communication systems and national communication operators.

Radio frequency spectrum is the combination of radio frequencies in the limit provided by the International Telecommunication Union, which can be used for operation of radio electronic or high frequency devices. Radio frequency spectrum is national resource of Turkmenistan and it is necessary to use it efficiently.

Interesting exchange of the visions was held during the discussion of the Draft Law of Turkmenistan on Trilateral Commission for Regulation of Social and Working Relations. It was mentioned that speaking at the first session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation in March this year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has paid great attention to legal support of the work for social protection of the population. The Head of the State outlined the protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens, improvement of role of public organizations and their activity among priority direction of work of the Parliament.

According to the requests of the Head of the State, new law defining legal base of the formation and activity of trilateral commission for regulation of social and working relations has been drafted. The Commission includes the representatives of the Government – special government authority appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, National Centre of Trade Unions and other representative authority as well as employers associations and plenipotentiary representatives of entrepreneurs.

Objectives of the Commission include trilateral negotiations according to the Labour Legislation of Turkmenistan, development and signing of General Agreement between the parties, support in regulation of social and working relations, coordination of the interests of the sides on main directions of social and economic development, consultation on the subjects related to development of draft laws and other legal acts, state programmes in the sphere of working relations, occupancy and social protection of the population, study of the world practice, cooperation with relevant international organizations, etc.

In addition, the deputies discussed draft Laws on Amendments and Addendums of the Code of Turkmenistan on Administrative Violations, on Amendments and Addendums of some legal acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments of the Law of Turkmenistan on Courier Service, on Amendments of the Law of Turkmenistan on Approval and Enacting of the Budgetary Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Tax Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments of the Law of Turkmenistan on Architectural Activity, on Amendments and Addendums of the Social Protection Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Provision on Honoured Title of Turkmenistan «Еnе mähri», on Addendums of the Water Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Migration Service, number of other objectives has been also discussed.

Drafts of the bills have been unanimously approved and adopted.