Ï Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction

Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction

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Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
Ashgabat theatergoers discover a new name for themselves in Turkmen direction
The musical comedy play “Love will save us”, which premiered with great success on the stage of the Mahtumkuli Turkmen Music and Drama Theater, began with a rehearsal. It is hardly to believe that a performance is going on in the first minutes, when a group of young musicians, dressed in the style of the 70s of the last century, noisily occupied places in the orchestra pit. The eccentric-looking director of the House of Culture appeared on the stage in a bright-checkered jacket, and everything fell into place! The director wanted to address the musicians with a speech, but no tribune was on the stage. Naughty boss emotionally reacted to the embarrassment. Rescued his deputy - an enterprising lady who organized everything. The music, written specially for the performance by the composer, Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan Rovshen Nepesov, started, and the intimate melody transferred the conductor to her home on the Caspian coast ...

It is to mention the work of the art director, Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan Batyr Bekmuradov - the author of the original set design. Two houses on stilts, an old pole of the power line in the middle of the yard and the sea that goes beyond the horizon are so picturesque that they cause association with the artistic canvas.

The protagonist Maksat returns home with a conservatory diploma of a conductor as planned by the playwright of the national writer of Turkmenistan Govshutgeldy Danatarova. The parents are in some bewilderment! They hoped that their son becomes in the capital an engineering degree, and he got some kind of conductor's baton!

- Didn't you, since childhood, instilled in me a love for music? - retorted the parental claims son.

Scarlet rose, "floating" on the clothesline from the groom's balcony to the bride's balcony, or a loving couple in a boat ... These stage techniques looked original, reinforcing the unison dialogue with the auditorium. In the performance, there are many spectacular plastic solutions, for example, a freeze-frame. It is to mention the work of costume designers and makeup. Flared trousers and a Gavrosha haircut emphasized the effect of time travel.

The performance is exciting, perceived easy and fun. This is probably the highest mark for the creative team.

The end of the performance is interesting, repeating the prologue in view of the past decades. The gray-haired, slightly condoned members of the ensemble fill the orchestra pit ... And again the melody of Rovshen Nepesov sounds, just as young and heartfelt...

“This is my first performance for an adult viewer,” says production director Begmukhammet Esenov in an interview. - And I am glad that the debut is successful. This is all thanks to our creative team and, above all, the playwright Govshutgeldy Danatarova, with whom it is easy to work. Realizing that I lack the staging experience, the stage masters became my collaborators, helping the young actors in the embodiment of the plan.

I am grateful to the cast and, in particular, to the Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Orazgul Kurdova and Aisoltan Kovusova, Merdana Khandurdyeva and Tuvakbibi Kochekova, who brought bright strokes to the characters of their characters.

I plan to carry out in the near future the production of "The Doctor in Captivity" by Moliere in a modern interpretation inspired by the warm reception of the public and colleagues.

The children's performances as “Trusishka” by playwright Hudaiberdy Byashimov and “Bunny-dare” by Sergei Mikhalkov are my first works as a theater director. We reviewed several versions of this folk tale together with Hudayberdy Byashimov, and used the most "tasty" fragments of them. The performance “Trusishka” toured all regions and was watched by many children in large and small cities of our country. “Bunny Zaznayka” is preparing for a tour during the winter holidays.

It is pleasant to know that in the plead of theatrical figures it is replenished with young and creative-thinking directors, including Begmuhammet Esenov. We will follow his work and wait for new bright premieres.