Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working video conference session with the participation of the Speaker of the Mejlis, number of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and Hyakim of Ashgabat. Priority objectives of social and economic development of the country and other important matters of the state life have been reviewed.

Having highlighted the agenda, the President of Turkmenistan called Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova who informed about regular session of National Parliament of the sixth convocation on October 20 and on legal documents, which were adopted at the session.

It was mentioned that adopted Laws of Turkmenistan on Land Reclamation, on Radio Frequency Spectrum, on Trilateral Commission for Regulation of Social and Working Relations as well as other legal and regulatory acts have been elaborated according to the priorities of the state policy, new edition of the Constitution and objectives set by the Head of Turkmenistan for national economy at the first session of the People’s Council as well as with the Programme of modernization of legislation base of the country.

Having focused on the realization of the decisions of the People’s Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity to speed up the work for improvement of the legislation in agricultural complex, particularly those related to water resources, rational water use, ecology and innovations in this activity. We have to make all reforms in agricultural complex as soon as possible and comprehensively, the Head of the State summed up.

Having mentioned the urgency and perspective of using of international and inter-Parliamentary relations for popularization of the achievements of the country including the success in realization of gender policy, the President pointed out the necessity to continue the work for improvement of the legislation in the sphere of gender equality and strengthening of the family as a unit.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the course of seasonal agricultural works.

Having focused on timely fulfilment of the objectives set for agricultural sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of qualitative cotton harvest campaign.

Having expressed the discontent with poor organization of the cotton harvesting, the Head of the State requested the reasons of this. Rich yield of cotton has been grown and the weather was good for harvesting. However, poor work of regional administrations does not give the opportunity to the farmers to fulfil contractual obligations despite that plenty of unpicked cotton has left in the fields.

This was caused by bad organization of the cotton harvesting in number of the etraps. Kaahka etrap in Ahal Velayat (Hyakim K. Kurtov), Ruhubelent in Dashoguz Velayat (Hyakim A. Dushemov), Koytendag and Dovletly etraps in Lebap Velayat (hyakims A. Kurbandurdiyev and S. Abdyshukurov) as well as Murgab etrap in Mary Velayat (Hyakim B. Allanazarov) are behind.

The Head of the State demanded the Vice-premier to analyse existing situation and take necessary measures for proper organization of works. Control of timely payment settlements with the farmers, which have to receive the payment for their work in full volume, is among the utmost objectives.

Turkmen leader has also ordered to prepare for coming Harvest festival on proper level.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who informed that delegation of our country has visited Brussels where it had meeting with Deputy Chairman of European Energy Union Commission Maroš Šefčovič as well as working meeting with representatives of the General Energy Directorate of European Commission and other.

During the negotiations, the sides discussed the subjects of cooperation between Turkmenistan and EU in energy sphere, modernization of legal base of the partnership and realization of construction of Trans – Caspian gas pipeline. Subjects of further improvement of activity of Caspian Development Corporation (CDC), continuation of talks of working group for implementation of this energy project including the subjects of economic, ecological and commercial character have been highlighted.

The EU expressed keen interest to the construction of Trans – Caspian gas pipeline and delivery of Turkmen gas to European market.

Participants of the talks from European Union side expressed the willingness to support the attraction of investments to this important energy project, which, as President of Turkmenistan noted, meets not only national objectives but is also to improve energy security of the continent.

The Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea created necessary legal base for construction of the gas pipeline across Caspian Sea. Nowadays, this is only the agreement of sides participating in the project and ecological expertise, which meets strict requirements of international standards, are necessary for implementation of this important project.

The project of Trans-Caspian gas pipeline provides the supply of Turkmen energy carrier to European market in the volume of 30 billion cubic meters per year for 30 years with the its delivery at Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea.

Turkmen state has all capabilities for realization of big energy projects both in this direction and also in other vectors. The country created necessary infrastructure for this including local East – West pipeline, which provides reverse supplies of gas from Eastern Turkmenistan to western regions and back.

Having noted the importance of diversification of industrial production with complete cycle together with export of raw materials, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the interest in the situation in the processing of energy resources.

M. Meredov reported about the growth of variety and volumes of petrochemical production. This is supported by stable work of existing modernized and new facilities, which has entered design capacity.

Carbamide, polyethylene, polypropylene, polypropylene films, environmentally friendly fuel like gasoline, diesel, lubricating oils meeting the requirements of international standards can be highlighted among petrochemical products required not only in home but also in foreign markets. For that reason, the volumes of export of petrochemical products has been increased, which in its turn increased foreign currency income to the State budget.

In addition, unique and the only in the world plant for production of environmentally friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas is ready to be put into operation.

Construction of new modern innovative complexes – the 2nd train for production of petrochemical products at the plant in Kiyanly and the 2nd train of synthetic gasoline plant in Ovadandepe is planned. Big amounts of Turkmen and foreign investments will be sent for construction of these facilities.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that energy strategy of Turkmenistan is aimed at efficient realization of huge hydrocarbon potential of the country and intensification of beneficial international cooperation in fuel and energy complex, which meets national and global interests.

In this regard, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to activate the work for expansion of international cooperation and bringing of Turkmen energy carriers to European market. Specific instructions were given to the Vice-premier on steadfast implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas complex until 2030, increment of oil and gas production, development of perspective hydrocarbon deposits and introduction of innovative technologies.

Having outlined technical and technological rearmament of the branch among perspective directions of development of fuel and energy complex, the Head of the State ordered to pay special attention to construction of TAPI gas line and other international pipelines, to sped up the development of Caspian offshore, particularly the production of crude oil and gas in Turkmen part of the sea.

Training of highly qualified personnel for work at modern facilities is among important objectives.

After, Hyakim o Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the situation in the capital, measures for planning and speeding up the construction of social facilities, course of reconstruction, modernization of roads, parking zones and buildings.

Informing about the construction of new facilities, the Head of city administration reported on development of the projects planned for realization under the 16th phase of capital development and on the course of implementation. The Hyakim also reported on the works carried out under the preparation to the World Weightlifting Championship.

The Head of the State focused on the necessity to hold under strict control the fulfilment of construction plans, especially the construction of apartment buildings and social facilities like shopping centres, schools and kindergartens.

Speaking of the subject of the capital development, the President requested the Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev to elaborate on urban construction programme for the next year and to specify the completion of the projects.

Having noted the importance of permanent control of planning and proper housekeeping in Ashgabat, the Head of the State made special mention of the preparation to the World Weightlifting Championship and other international events.

The hyakim received number of specific assignment for preparation of energy and central heating systems to winter season as well as for installation of energy carriers control systems, which are to support rational use of natural resources.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all participants.