Ï New issue of Politics and Society magazine is dedicated to remarkable events of 2017

New issue of Politics and Society magazine is dedicated to remarkable events of 2017

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The 5th 2017 issue of scientific and theoretic magazine Politics and Society of the Archive Fund of the President of Turkmenistan has been published.

The pages of annual publishing contain the articles about the most remarkable events of the last year in the life of the state in the aspect of internal large-scale changes and in the context of international relations of Turkmenistan.

For example, national elections of the President of Turkmenistan has been held on February 12, 2017. The article dedicated to this subject notes that Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received 97.69 percent of the voices of electorate among nine candidates. Activity of our citizens made deep impression on international observers – 97.28 percent of the electorate registered for the election came to the polling stations.

These figures indicate the maturity and responsibility of Turkmen citizens who entrusted their fortune to the President of the country, who rapidly entered modern political history of Turkmen state and the world community as successful strategist and initiator of social, economic and political reforms, for the third time.

V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games have been successfully held in the country last year. Publication of the magazine on this subject highlights this sport and cultural event, which became remarkable in the history of the country and international sport movement that turned into grandiose festival of peace-loving, friendship and health.

One of the sections of the issue was dedicated to big social and political events, the session of the Council of Elders, which was held in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat in October. Delegates of national forum took decisions important for the country and for every Turkmen citizen.

One of the articles reviews the importance of new ideology in establishment and development of Turkmenistan as independent state and notes that the role of the ideology is more topical at this stage.

Another publication of scientific and theoretical annual issue is dedicated to analysis of ecological policy and rational use of natural resources.

Author of article “National holidays – Important Factor of Improvement of Turkmen Nation Mentality” speaks about new holidays, rites and ceremonies are observed in the country together with traditional holidays.

Issue of book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” was important event of the last year. Publication “Protection and Actualization of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Turkmen Nation” is dedicated to this subject.

Article “Strategy of Sustainable Development of Turkmenistan” gives analysis of the initiatives of the Head of the State on security of energy supplies to the world markets, ecological projects, preventive diplomacy. It notes targeted work on formation of multimodal system allowing restoring the Great Silk Road on innovative technological base.

In addition, new issue gives the reviews on published books. Material published in “Politics and Society” issued in Turkmen and Russian languages will raise interest of wide reading audience.