Ï Project of construction of Trans Caspian gas pipeline is discussed in Brussels

Project of construction of Trans Caspian gas pipeline is discussed in Brussels

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Few days ago, the delegation of our country paid visit to Brussels where it had number of meetings including with Deputy Chairman of European Energy Union Commission Maroš Šefčovič as well as working meeting with representatives of the General Energy Department of the European Commission and other. Vice-premier M. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the visit to the Head of the State at the video conference session on October 22.

During the negotiations, the sides discussed the subjects of cooperation between Turkmenistan and EU in energy sphere, modernization of legal base of the partnership and realization of construction of Trans – Caspian gas pipeline. Subjects of further improvement of activity of Caspian Development Corporation (CDC), continuation of talks of working group for implementation of this energy project including the subjects of economic, ecological and commercial character have been highlighted.

The EU expressed keen interest to the construction of Trans – Caspian gas pipeline and delivery of Turkmen gas to European market.

Participants of the talks from European Union side expressed the willingness to support the attraction of investments to this important energy project, which, as President of Turkmenistan noted, meets not only national objectives but is also to improve energy security of the continent.

The Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea created necessary legal base for construction of the gas pipeline across Caspian Sea. Nowadays, this is only the agreement of sides participating in the project and ecological expertise, which meets strict requirements of international standards, are necessary for implementation of this important project.

The project of Trans-Caspian gas pipeline provides the supply of Turkmen energy carrier to European market in the volume of 30 billion cubic meters per year for 30 years with the its delivery at Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea.