Ï Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science

Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science

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Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
Conference participants discuss young researchers’ contribution to advancement of Turkmen science
The Oguzkhan University of Engineering Technologies has hosted a conference devoted to youth participation in the further advancement of science in our country. It was co-organized by the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education and the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization.

Speakers at the conference noted that the scientific-educational sphere is regarded as a crucial factor in enhancing the country’s potential and encouraging its modernization. The top-priority objectives specified by the head of state for the sector are to raise it to a qualitatively new and yet higher level on a par with world-class standards and boost the practical effectiveness of research and development activities, while aiming them at tackling vital national and social issues.

In this context, an innovation-based economy, which rests on scientific-theoretical knowledge and advanced technological know-how, has a special role to play in the country’s socio-economic development strategy. Regarding the intensive advancement of science and innovative activities as strategically important, Turkmenistan is taking comprehensive measures to improve them.

The forum attendees highlighted that the national scientific system with research institutes and higher education institutions, specializing in priority scientific disciplines, had been modernized, as well as the organizational structure of field-related facilities had been improved over a short period of time. Scientific and innovative activities that accelerate the growth and progress of Turkmen society are expanding rapidly.

Young people’s creative initiatives and research projects are a meaningful contribution to scientific and technological progress. As noted in this context, the number of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists, who present their research work at a contest, annually organized by the Academy of Sciences jointly with the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization, has grown considerably in the last few years.

Many-faceted research work in topical areas such as nanotechnology, chemical and computer technology, new material development, energy, biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology, genetics, information and communications, medicine and pharmaceutical technology, innovation-based economy, and the humanities is seen as the key instrument for implementing reforms.

The nation’s intellectual elite is meant to nurture a whole new generation of scientists, encouraging the participation of gifted and talented young people in scientific work. In this connection, those speaking at the conference focused on priority objectives in this field and comprehensive measures to be taken to achieve them.