Ï The New industrial complexes are provided with an efficient power supply system

The New industrial complexes are provided with an efficient power supply system

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Turkmen power engineers continue to build a power transmission line of 220 kV overhead lines with a length of 16 kilometers to a gasoline production plant out of natural gas built at Ovadan Depe.

The gas-chemical complex for the production of polyethylene and polypropylene, commissioned in Kiyanly, Balkan region, was also provided with reliable power supply. By order of the State Concern “Turkmengaz”, divisions of the “Turkmenenergostroy” Concern of the Ministry of Energy built a Polyethylene substation of 220/35 kilovolts near the enterprise and laid two high-voltage 220 kV overhead lines with a length of more than 19 kilometers each to the “Avaza DPS” substation.