Ï Aspects of activation of Turkmen – American partnership are discussed in Ashgabat

Aspects of activation of Turkmen – American partnership are discussed in Ashgabat

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Turkmen capital hosted regular political consultations between Turkmenistan and USA. Delegation chaired by Deputy Assistant Secretary of United States of America for Central Asia affairs Emilia Puma.

The agenda included the review of the main vectors of interstate cooperation including the expansion of trade and economic partnership and cooperation in humanitarian sphere, development of social and cultural relations and provision of human rights.

It was highlighted at the meeting that steadily implementing foreign strategy based on the principles of peace loving, transparency and equal beneficial cooperation, neutral Turkmenistan pays special attention to intensification of traditionally friendly relations with all interested countries including the United States of America. It was mentioned that such meetings serve as efficient mechanism for discussion of priority objectives in improvement of fruitful contacts between two countries.

Partnership in provision of universal peace, security and stability, counteraction against global challenges and modern threats is important aspect of bilateral relations. Taking active part in development of balanced solutions of topical issues of XXI century, Turkmenistan demonstrates its commitment t wide international partnership. In this aspect, the importance of creative initiatives of our country including those that were proposed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly has been highlighted.

Trade and economic sphere, to development of which both states pay great attention taking into account gained experience of joint work and existing significant potential, has been outlined among perspective segments of Turkmen – American cooperation. Having stated with delight that at present time, wide opportunities are opened for intensification of traditional contacts, which gained new content recently, the participants of meeting noted that this is indicated by productive relations between Turkmenistan and number of famous American companies, which recommended themselves as reliable partners of our country.

Activity of Turkmenistan – USA Business Council, which turned into important actual tool of bilateral partnership and efficient ground for establishment and improvement of relations between economic entities of our countries, plays leading role in intensification of fruitful relations. In this context, the importance of business forum during working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to New York in September has been highlighted.

Programme speech of the Head of the State, which contained the main directions of large-scale changes in our country and outlined the vectors of intensification of cooperation, became the target for realization of joint ideas and initiatives.

Fuel and energy complex, which raw materials and products are on high demand in the world market, rapidly developing transport and communication sector, agriculture, innovative technologies and other are among promising directions of Turkmen – American cooperation. Speaking of this, it is necessary to mention permanently growing interest of representatives of big American business in expansion of its presence in perspective Turkmen market and participation in realization of infrastructural projects. This is visually indicated by the proposals of leading USA companies given at the recent business forum in New York.

Cooperation in humanitarian sphere is one of important components of interstate relations. Traditional Turkmen – American dialog in educational, scientific and cultural spheres is implemented in number of joint projects and events including regular Turkmenistan Cultural Days in the USA and the Days of United States Culture in our country. Such actions support the rapprochement of people of two states, improvement of friendship and understanding.

In the end, the participants expressed the confidence that regular Turkmen – American political consultations would be new actual step toward the promotion of interested interstate partnership, which rests on invariable goodwill of the sides and mutual intent to continue its development.