Ï New issue of quarterly Democracy and Right magazine is published

New issue of quarterly Democracy and Right magazine is published

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Regular issue of quarterly magazine published by the Institute of State, Right and Democracy of Turkmenistan highlights key direction of the state policy, gives information and analytical materials opening the meaning and character of the reforms and democratic changes in the country.

The magazine is opened by the speech of the Head of the State at the High-Level International Forum “The Great Silk Road - Toward New Level of Development”, which agenda included wide spectrum of issues of development of cooperation in transport and logistic spheres. Speaking of the idea to organize this forum, Turkmen leader noted that it is time for serious study of the importance to restore this ancient caravan route in this century, to analyse its colossal opportunities for development and progress of dozens of states and hundred millions of people.

The issues is continued by the speech of the head of the State to the nation of the country on the Day of Constitution and National Flag of Turkmenistan, which was first time observed in our country as one event. This subject was reflected in the article dedicated to constitutional mechanisms of protection of rights and freedoms of citizens. The author reveals positive importance of peace-making international initiatives of the Head of the State multidimensional work carried out in the country for the assertion of democratic values.

As is known, use of advanced scientific achievements, in particular information and communication technologies, is one of strategic directions of development of modern Turkmen society. In this context, publication “Internet Technologies and Scientific Researches: World Practice, National Ideas and Perspectives” highlighting the work of the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences is very remarkable.

“Magtumguly Fragi – Poet and Patriot” article is among thematic publications. Its authors focuses on humanitarian component of the heritage of great poet and thinker and importance of his work in patriotic education of youth.

Material about tax policy as one of the factors in harmonization of the interests of society and state highlights the role of modern legal base of tax sphere in improvement of management mechanism of national economy and gradual transit to market relations.

Publication “Guarantee of Rights of Citizens on Work in Turkmenistan” gives the provisions of the Main Law and other legal documents providing these rights. It is stated that harmonizing with the Sustainable Development Goals, legal reforms in the country demonstrate the priority of the care of the citizens of the country and free development of each of us.

Article “Housing Legislation of Turkmenistan: Ownership Right on Living” explains civil rights on this subject.

New direction – transport diplomacy, on which range of issues the Head of the State initiated multilateral dialog under the UN and other international organizations, affirms in global cooperation. It is described in publication “The Role of Turkmenistan in International Transport System”. Opening the importance of global initiatives and large-scale work in the country for development of transport and logistic sphere, the author of the article notes the presence of modern national legislation base in this sphere as one of positive factors.

The issues is finished by informational section “The Chronicle”, which contains the review of the events in the second quarter of the year, highlights meetings and seminars in Ashgabat with the participation of the heads and experts of competent international organizations.

Democracy and Right magazine published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages is addressed to specialists and wide reading audience.